Scott Snyder, Do You Believe the Hype?

untitled-1-13396973185121I am not here to bash the guy, I mean he is working for DC comics and living the dream, writing Batman.  I mean, he is writing Batman’s main book.  As a struggling comic book writer, that is my dream.  But this is not about me, I want to talk about Scott Snyder.  This comes from an article on another website, “Why Does Scott Snyder Hate Alfred?”  I thought that a while ago, but thought maybe it would be due to the stories.  But really he makes Bruce Wayne seem like an asshole who does not appreciate what Alfred has done for him.  Anyway, I was called “retarded”, which to me is a 4 letter word and it needs to be taken out of the everyone’s vocabulary.  But really, I commented that “Scott Snyder is awful and a turd
His time on Batman needs to come to an end.”  So yeah, I did kind of bash him, but let me explain. Continue reading “Scott Snyder, Do You Believe the Hype?”

Nightfall Unlimited’s Top 50 Superhero Films

Throughout July we did the countdown, so here we have the complete list.  I would love to know where these films rank on everyone else’s lists.  We actually broke down the films into categories and combined out scores to come up with the order.  Also, if I had to add Guardians of the Galaxy to this list, Green Hornet would fall off the list and I would place Guardians of the Galaxy around number 18 or 19. So here is the complete list.

Continue reading “Nightfall Unlimited’s Top 50 Superhero Films”

Rayzor’s Top 50 Superhero Films: 2014 Edition (10 – 1)


Thank you all for sticking with me or so long through this countdown.  It has been a pleasure bringing it to you.  While I am sure most will be disappointed with this list.  It was again based on multiple people rating each film, not just my opinion.  But it was fun, I want to do this again next year with the Avengers: Age of Ultron, Fantastic Four reboot, Ant-man and we can add Guardians of the Galaxy that is coming out tomorrow. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 50 Superhero Films: 2014 Edition (10 – 1)”

Batman Films – Which is the best?

batman-main32323There are many questions that surround the Batman films, all of them.  Who is the best Batman?  Who played the Joker the best?  Which Batman film is the best?  Well today I will answer the question.  I will not be including the Adam West film, this will cover the modern Batman films, from Tim Burton’s 1989 film. I have my personal favorites and I know the films that have been failures.  I finally was able to sit down and watch every cinematic  film and watch them as a movie, not rating them as Batman or comparing to the comics.  I have seen every film many times and even had marathons for each series.  So in this list I will do two, the first will be worst to best.  The second list will be my least favorite to my actual favorite.  So here we go.

Continue reading “Batman Films – Which is the best?”

Batman/Superman Batsuit Discussion

batman___ben_affleck_by_alemarques21-d6jdd8kNow I am known for being an avid Batman fan, check the history of this website and out of the 200+ posts we have had I would say that a good 30% has to do with Batman.  We all know Ben Affleck is going to be Batman in the coming Batman/Superman film for 2015, what we don’t know is what suit we will get.  In all of the other Bat films we have seen a black suit and it make sense.  The only time we got something even remotely close to the comic book suit would be Adam West’s costume from the 1960s, and lets face it, that costume was a perfect representation for the Batman of the time.  While I do think most of the film suits do represent the time the film was made.  Continue reading “Batman/Superman Batsuit Discussion”

Ben Affleck is Batman for the Batman/Superman Film

batman_vs__superman_by_jim_leeSo it is not a rumor…I actually was on board for Karl Urban, but not Warner has casted Ben Affleck.  I know there are millions of fanboys crying out in anger and frustration.  There are people out there saying Christian Bale is Batman or Josh Brolin would be better.  Well how will we know?  All I know I am glad the guessing games are over and this does officially end Christian Bales run as Batman.  So I know I have many friends who wonder about how I feel.  As you all may know by now, Batman is sacred to me, my favorite super hero of them all.  I guard the casting of Batman very closely, I was mostly not impressed with anyone who was rumored at all and I am very happy we did not get a Bale clone, Michael Fassbender(who I love) has a similar and far from Bruce Wayne look.  There are many fans who were calling out Magneto and he is great but no Batman.  I did like the idea of the young actor from the Teen Wolf show, Tyler Hoechlin, but only if we were getting a full reboot and it was a Batman Year One situation. Continue reading “Ben Affleck is Batman for the Batman/Superman Film”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Best Superhero Films of All Time

1367300113_jelThis is the list I have been meaning to post for about a year now.  With the summer blockbuster season kicking off with the release of Iron Man 3 this week, it also marks the beginning of a big year in super hero films.  Starting with Iron Man 3 coming out this past weekend and soon we will finally get to see Superman in the Man of Steel June 14th, then The Wolverine July 26th,  Kick Ass 2 August 16 and Thor: The Dark World November 8th.  Personally I am looking forward to everyone of theses films, I may be in the minority about the Wolverine.  But for me it will be the Man of Steel I look forward to the most of all. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Best Superhero Films of All Time”

Rayzor’s Reviews: The Dark Knight Trilogy

With the release of the Dark Knight Rises today, I figured it was time to do a full review of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy.  I have writen my thoughts on the series before, but things change.  After my first, second, third and todays viewing of the Dark Knight Rises, I have changed.  Remember, I was not very happy with the Dark Knight, it was missing something to me and it fealt less of a Batman movie.  Regardless, today I put it all to rest, today I am the Dark Knight Trilogy’s reckoning. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reviews: The Dark Knight Trilogy”

RayZor’s Top 10 Batman Villians

It is Batman week, with the release of The Dark Knight Rises later this week I am doing a few things that has to do with the Caped Crusader.  This is of course my list and it contains my top 10.  I am pretty sure the majority of people would say Joker is the best of Batmans villains.  I agree to a point, but he is not my favorite.  Joker will make my top 10 but where does he fall in the countdown?  Stay tuned as I count down Rayzor’s Top 10 Batman Villains.

Batman has one fo the most celebrated list of villains, nicknamed “The Rogues Gallery”.  So where do I begin, who makes the cut.  To be honest there are so many I love, but many more that I just don’t understand.  A few examples, Killer Moth, he originally wore a costume with striped purple and green spandex, orange cape and a moth-like mask and I feel he just does not belong.  He seems more like one of Flash’s villains.  Also you will not see any of the mobsters like Carmine Falcone, or Salvator Maroni, Rupert Thorne.   Two that will not show up and will not see for sure is Selina Kyle, Catwoman.  She is a jewel theft that pretty much rides the fence for most of her history and in recently times has been an ally.  The other has become one of my favorite comic book characters of the last 10 years or so, Jason Todd.  I did not add him, he was Robinat one time and even as Red Hood has helped the Bat Family, sure when Bruce Wayne “died” he tried to kill Tim Drake and Dick Grayson, hell he even tried to kill Batman.  But he was in the top 11 and I needed to make a cut so I cut him.  So let us move on to the countdown.

Continue reading “RayZor’s Top 10 Batman Villians”

It is Batman Week

With the final installment in Christopher Nolon’s Dark Knight Trilogy coming out this week, it makes this week, Batman Week.  It is time to celebrate everything that is Batman.  First thing’s first, thank you Bob Kane for creating the Batman and Bill Finger for writing the first comics for Detective Comics.  Everything from the comics, the 1960’s tv show, the movies, video games and all of the awesome animation.

Continue reading “It is Batman Week”