Rayzor’s Reviews: The Dark Knight Trilogy

With the release of the Dark Knight Rises today, I figured it was time to do a full review of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy.  I have writen my thoughts on the series before, but things change.  After my first, second, third and todays viewing of the Dark Knight Rises, I have changed.  Remember, I was not very happy with the Dark Knight, it was missing something to me and it fealt less of a Batman movie.  Regardless, today I put it all to rest, today I am the Dark Knight Trilogy’s reckoning.

Batman Begins (2005)

It had been 8 years since the release fo the final Burton/Schumacher films was released.  There were so many rumors, but finally we got Batman Begins and it gave all of us Batman fans great hope for the future.  So much came from this film that made me happy after all the years of waiting.  It made $372,710,015 in the theaters, I think it could have made more if there was a main stream villain.

The Good:

A very good origin for Batman, it was not true to the comics, but it was a very cool interesting take.  I was happy they did not go straight to the A-list villians, Joker and Riddler.  I always wanted to see Ra’s al Ghul and Scarecrow both in a live action Batman film.  I  have always fealt Ra’s al Ghul is Batman’s ultimate enemy.  The casting for the support characters was very good, especially Gary Oldman as Gordon and Liam Neeson as Ra’s Al Ghul.It was really cool to see Batman build his costume and show some of the uses and functionality of the gadgets.  The film itself was very well done and for the most part.  The end was so cool when Gordon and Batman are on the roof and Gordon reveals the Joker card, setting up the sequel.

The Bad:

Batman did not show up unitl one full hour into the film.  I do think some of the cooler things it showed were not necessary.  When Christian Bale was cast as Bruce Wayne/Batman, I was actually pretty happy, he was great in American Psycho and I loved Equalibirium.  His voice as Batman was all over the place, it never sounded the same and at one point, on the roof talking to Rachel near the end of the film, he talks about who he is inside, terrible.

The Dark Knight (2008)

I was so excited, I followed everything I could, the viral campaign and looked everywhere for a glimpse of what was going on in the this film.  After Batman Begins, I was in the mind that it can only get better and better.  When the trailers came out, I was foaming at the mouth, just waiting and waiting.  When Heath Ledger dies, I was a heart broken, I had seen the trailers and I knew his Joker was going to amazing.  I was sad, knowing this would be the only film with the Joker played by Ledger.  July, the film finally arrived and I was there opening night, I left the theater not happy.  I overhyped the film all on my own and when it didn’t not blow me away, I was out for blood.  I have since changed my opinion about the film, I have gone from hate to, well I don’t know what to call it.

The Good:

Heath Ledger as the Joker was amazing, he stole the show.  It is a Batman film and he makes the film, we all looked forward to the moments he was on screen.  For the most part the story was good, I loved the opening, not the bank with Batman and the Scarecrow.  This film featured my favorite villian, Harvey Dent a.k.a Two-Face.  I think Aaron Eckhart was really great, I only wish things would have ended differently, but in Nolan’s scope it had to happen.

The Bad:

I hated the ending, something about it, I mean the entire film fealt like it was building to somethings very huge and the boat thing, didn’t deliver for me.  Christian Bale again was not the best, I realize they had problems with his voice in the first film, but they made it worse.  I did not like the way Two-Face was treated, I mean he was great but I feel like he should have been in the film earlier and been more effective.  Of course I am just a fan, what do I know, I would have loved to see, wait I am not going to go there.  I guess it could have been worse.  Oh and the costume was bizarre, they should have just thrown tights over the armor.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The finale, it was emotional, I was so ready for this Nolan trilogy to end.  This one took my by suprise, there were times it seems to be going at a slow pace.  Batman was not in the film all that much.  But after I saw the film I really enjoyed the film and it redeemed the Dark Knight for me.  It made me rewatch the Dark Knight and I realized something.  It is a bridger movie or even a filler.  I do not think the Dark Knight Rises would be what it is today if Heath Ledger were alive.  Overall the movie was in fact good and it closes the series very well, but does have somewhat a open ending.

The Good:

Bane was pretty awesome, some people think he stole the show like Joker.  I don’t think he was that impressive, very cool and menacing but not like the Joker.  The fights between Batman and Bane were pretty awesome, especially the first fight.  Bane has some great lines, the DVD or Blu Ray you can understand him better.  Selina Kyle, Anne Hathaway, oh I loved her so much in this role.  This was one of the worst castings I thought, but turned out to be great.  I loved Batman’s rise out of the prison, it was a great part of the film showing his determination.  The ending of this film was really great, from the final fight to the end of film.  I am trying not to spoil anything about the ending but it was emotional and really brought tears to my eyes, until the stupid Robin thing.

The Bad:

Again, Batman was absent from the film alot, but it made sense for the story.  There was too much of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, he was a cop who turned out to be, Robin?  Other than that it was hard to find things I didn’t like about the movie, I guess I could say the famous, I didn’t like Christian Bale.  Ha!

It is always hard to say goodbye, but I am glad this is the end.  I really hope we do not see a film with Robin as Batman or whatever.  I would rather see a completer reboot, I am not sure but I think it is a bad idea to have a Batman movie come out after a Justice League movie.

You know what would be awesome, a Batman TV series, I don’t ever see this happening ever but I think it could be amazing.  A serious tone maybe set in the Arrow universe.  Arrow is a good show and I could see a Batman show like that, would be cool.  I mean they are developing a Wonder Woman show.

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