Life on Replay

replay-button-whiteDo you ever feel like everyday is a repeat of the day before.  Maybe it’s a new day and the problems are different, but really, are they?

I took a weeks vacation from my day job last week and I am currently in the second day back and it’s business as usual.  Yesterday is today and today is yesterday.  I work in a retail environment, but not a typical situation.  Customer service is king in every retail environment, but I work not only with customers, but how the store us set.  It used to be an interesting job.  I’d visit 4 different stores a week and each store was different.  Same company, same work, but different people and challenges.  This made the job more interesting.  Now things have changed, I am in one store everyday, same people, same job, each day feels like the last and I just think, “it’s tuesday, only 4 days to Saturday…”

Continue reading “Life on Replay”

Top 50 Glam Metal Songs

Top 50 Glam MetalHey everyone, if you did not know, I co-founded Nightfall Unlimited, check it out, we are starting the Top 50 Glam Metal songs of all time.  It is a fun list and we started with the honorable mentions, so click here and check it out.  Do me a favor and check us out of facebook and follow Nightfall Unlimited on twitter @NightfallUNLTD, or me @Rayzor_33.

Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (Honorable Mentions)

Check back weekly for the next few weeks or you could follow the twitter pages and the facebook.


Super Bowl XLIX Predictions Seahawks vs Patriots

SuperBowlThe Nightfall Unlimited Staffers have some Super Bowl predictions, of course, not all of us are sports fans, so this could be interesting.  Not to mention Chris Evans and Chris Pratt have a little side bet going as apparently the Seattle Seahawks are the team of Star Lord.  Of course, Captain America would root for the evil Patriots.

We did a post earlier this year with our predictions, check that out here, otherwise enjoy the game!
Continue reading “Super Bowl XLIX Predictions Seahawks vs Patriots”

Music Monday: Rayzor’s Chillin’ Songs

WEEZER-2014While the Artist know as Jane Bush takes a little break from music monday, I thought I would step on in and throw out some songs that just make me feel good when I hear them.

I have a friend that says some classic things, but one time we were listening to a song and he told me, “this song just makes me want to chill”.  That line made me laugh a little, but he is right, there are songs that make you wanna chill, or relax.  Some of these songs just plain make me happy.  So here we go, of course we have videos to follow. Continue reading “Music Monday: Rayzor’s Chillin’ Songs”

RayZor’s Reflections:1999 – 2003: Music that Made Me Part 2


To follow up my last article RAYZOR!!! 1994 – 1998: Music that Made Me Part 1 and if you read it, you learned about music I discovered from many friends.  This time, I am out of high school and getting into my early 20s.  Like I said, I am big into music and it has gotten me through tough times and sometimes music inspires me.  I am a writer, I love to listen to music as I write.  Sometimes, depending on the music or the band, it can really inspire life decisions, in a positive way. Continue reading “RayZor’s Reflections:1999 – 2003: Music that Made Me Part 2”

Nightfall Unlimited at War! Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull(Demo Mode)



This was an idea born from the mind of an idiot, an Intricate Idiot.  I love the concept of this idea.  Check out the post and if you think it is decent and would like to see more, we could do this in the future sometime.  I know I can speak for the Intricate Idiot, we had a good time with this.

~ Rayzor


Welcome to War!  This is the first post for our big event for December, it is Nightfall Unlimited’s Civil War.  This month we are ripping each other apart, in a matter of speaking.  We are going against each other on different subjects, almost like a final four bracket.  Two contributors on the site will talk about why one thing is good and the other will combat with why it is bad, for example, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  This will be going on all month.  You have a voice also, who has the most intriguing argument for the film, comic or game.  Whoever has the most votes, will move to the next round.

How do you vote?

Easy, post at the bottom in the comments section of the page.  Simply write the name of the person you side with and why.

The first match-up is called Demo mode, you can still vote, but this is mostly so you can see how this works.  So check out Rayzor and the Intricate Idiot square off, Rayzor explains why Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a good movie and the Intricate Idiot tries to destroy the film already in most peoples eyes, is a terrible film. Continue reading “Nightfall Unlimited at War! Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull(Demo Mode)”

Avatars are Coming!

1394252_10202408938414336_524503682_nNightfall Unlimited will be going through some changes in the coming months. One of the changes, we will have a lot of new blood posting on the website along with some old friends. To avoid confusion we came up with the idea of using avatars for the posts we write. It is a way you will be able to follow your favorite writers easier and it is a fun way to show what we are all about, in a way. It is also going to pave the way for some interesting new developments coming to Nightfall in the future, we are growing. Continue reading “Avatars are Coming!”

Welcome to the Mind of Rayzor

I have been thinking about doing this for a long time.  I have thought about a way to express myself and document my life for the world to see.  Well anyone who wants to read about the things I have to write about.  So this will be a work in progress and eventually I will get into spilling my guts.  I guess I could tell you a little about myself for the mean time. Continue reading “Welcome to the Mind of Rayzor”

Friday the 13th Series Body Count

I try every time friday the 13th comes up.  I always want to write a post about the legendary film series, yes legendary. Look if a film series can spawn 11 sequels and a remake, it is legendary in my book. Only one movie away from 13 film, movie series.  This time I figured I would try and tackle the body count of the series, including Mrs. Voorhees. I have seen many pictures, posts and other things on the Internet about the timeline and body count of Jason Voorhees. I decided to break it down per film and give my favorite kill from each Friday the 13th film. When I say break down, I mean how many kills are performed, I will not get I to who and how, just the sheer number and my favorite kills, morbid much?  On with the list, yep another list, you know me and my lists. Get the Friday the 13th series on Blu ray here and Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History Of Friday The 13th here.

Remember, I sat down and watched every single movie, with a pen and paper to document kills.  Who killed who and how they died.  It was a long process and turned out to be a lot of fun.  Soon, I will do one for the Halloween franchise and possible A Nightmare on Elm Street.  It would give me good reason to watch the series again, like I need a reason.  These are my favorite horror series, as I grew up with them.
Continue reading “Friday the 13th Series Body Count”