DC Event for 2015 Convergence

dc-comics-convergence-largeThis is no crisis, no sir!  Sorry to take you away  from all of the video game and gaming content for the moment.  But I need to give my impressions on the news about what could be a blending of the New 52 and the pre-Flashpoint timeline.

So here is the skinny.   Continue reading “DC Event for 2015 Convergence”

Supergirl Getting Her Own Show?

Supergirl2Looks like there is going to be a Supergirl show and it may come to the CW.  Greg Berlanti, who co-created and produced Arrow and the upcoming CW show The Flash, is teaming up with writer and producer Ali Adler, known from Chuck, to create a show based on the DC Comics heroine.  So that raised some questions in my head of course.

Supergirl or Kara Zor-El is the cousin of Kal El or Clark Kent or Superman.  So, if this show would fall into the Arrowverse, does that mean Superman exists within the Arrowverse.  Nightwing was teased last year a few times and it was thought we may see Dick Grayson show up.  It never happened, but it made me wonder if Batman exists in this universe.  That is what this news did to me.  It could open up an entire new world for the Arrowverse and keep it away from the DC cinematic universe. Continue reading “Supergirl Getting Her Own Show?”

The Flash Costume Revealed



If you’re looking for the new costume, check it here.

We finally got to see what the new CW show the Flash will look like in his costume this week.  It started with a side profile of Grant Gustin/Barry Allen’s head in the cowl and he looked cool.  I was nervouse by the color of the cowl, but the picture is dark so it gave me hope things would be ok.  But today I finally saw the full costume and I had the same reaction to seeing every costume in live action DC history…ahhh….well…

Anyway, I have my thoughts of course after my intial shock or whatever it was, well I am ready to tell you how I feel. Continue reading “The Flash Costume Revealed”

More of the DC Universe Coming to Television

the-flashHas anyone forgotten about Smallville yet?  I will never forget that show, it was pretty great and I know it did have its issues, it was pretty strong for 10 seasons.  But when Smallville left the air we got another DC super hero show, Arrow and I love Arrow, it really is a great show.  If further shows that DC can be alive on the small screen and do well.  Sometimes I just think about how good Arrow is and wonder why in hell is there not a weekly Batman show.

This season of Arrow has not disappointed, it has added more recongnizable characters from the DCU.  From Huntress to Count Vertigo in the first season and even Deathstroke, but season 2 we have already seen Bronze Tiger and Black Canary, they have mentions Ra’s al Ghul and in two episodes we will see Barry Allen aka the Flash.  This is exciting to me, of course Bart Allen was in Smallville, but Smallville was strict against costumes.  But we will see the Flash in more than one episode, well again Barry Allen and then he will get his own show next fall?  Also a film is supposed to be coming in 2016.  Some of this is pure rumor but I am excited just the same, I am a fan of Barry Allen or any Flash for that matter.  CW’s version of The Flash will NOT appear in costume during Arrow season 2; instead the character will get his costume and powers in a more traditional standalone pilot for his own series Continue reading “More of the DC Universe Coming to Television”

DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2013

943638_10151565198958485_685022619_nThis is a nice little treat from DC comics.  I have always been looking for an accurate chronology for Superman and Batman.  I found a decent one online a few years ago, but it is now out dated.  This goes into other books that do not have a place in the heroes chronology.  The bad thing, this will change in the next couple of months, I just hope this is a yearly publication.

Inside the book it list the 25 Essential DC graphic novels and it is a good list.  I actually counted and of the 25 I own 13 on the list and the best part of the list, I am planning on buying a few I have not even thought about picking up.  Follow that, it goes into the New 52, calling it “the place to start”.  This shows most of the available graphic novels that have been released since DC pulled the newest format, the mostly unpopular format. Continue reading “DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2013”