Batman Films – Which is the best?

batman-main32323There are many questions that surround the Batman films, all of them.  Who is the best Batman?  Who played the Joker the best?  Which Batman film is the best?  Well today I will answer the question.  I will not be including the Adam West film, this will cover the modern Batman films, from Tim Burton’s 1989 film. I have my personal favorites and I know the films that have been failures.  I finally was able to sit down and watch every cinematic  film and watch them as a movie, not rating them as Batman or comparing to the comics.  I have seen every film many times and even had marathons for each series.  So in this list I will do two, the first will be worst to best.  The second list will be my least favorite to my actual favorite.  So here we go.

Continue reading “Batman Films – Which is the best?”

Batman/Superman Batsuit Discussion

batman___ben_affleck_by_alemarques21-d6jdd8kNow I am known for being an avid Batman fan, check the history of this website and out of the 200+ posts we have had I would say that a good 30% has to do with Batman.  We all know Ben Affleck is going to be Batman in the coming Batman/Superman film for 2015, what we don’t know is what suit we will get.  In all of the other Bat films we have seen a black suit and it make sense.  The only time we got something even remotely close to the comic book suit would be Adam West’s costume from the 1960s, and lets face it, that costume was a perfect representation for the Batman of the time.  While I do think most of the film suits do represent the time the film was made.  Continue reading “Batman/Superman Batsuit Discussion”

Rayzor’s Reviews: The Dark Knight Trilogy

With the release of the Dark Knight Rises today, I figured it was time to do a full review of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy.  I have writen my thoughts on the series before, but things change.  After my first, second, third and todays viewing of the Dark Knight Rises, I have changed.  Remember, I was not very happy with the Dark Knight, it was missing something to me and it fealt less of a Batman movie.  Regardless, today I put it all to rest, today I am the Dark Knight Trilogy’s reckoning. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reviews: The Dark Knight Trilogy”

It is Batman Week

With the final installment in Christopher Nolon’s Dark Knight Trilogy coming out this week, it makes this week, Batman Week.  It is time to celebrate everything that is Batman.  First thing’s first, thank you Bob Kane for creating the Batman and Bill Finger for writing the first comics for Detective Comics.  Everything from the comics, the 1960’s tv show, the movies, video games and all of the awesome animation.

Continue reading “It is Batman Week”

Some Thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises

The New Dark Knight Rises poster came out today. I actually like it even if it reminds me of one of the posters from The Dark Knight. Both posters are pretty awesome, I really like them. Not a big fan of the previous posters released.

As far as the movie goes, hold on a minute, let me go back to 2005. Continue reading “Some Thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises”