Dead Meat: Quarantine Zone America


This was brought to my attention this afternoon and since it is still gaming month, time to show some support.  I watched the videos and this game looks amazing and intense, the kickstarter has all the information for the game to the finest detail and all it does is make me want to play the game more.  Check out the kickstart page and maybe support Jasco Games.

At the beginning of the first video, they talk about doing something different with the zombie genre, well based on the different classes you can play as, it sounds like it will be different.  Not to mention it is a human war based around a zombie apocalypse, that is different. Continue reading “Dead Meat: Quarantine Zone America”

31 Days Of Horror: Dawn of the Dead (1978)

dawn-of-the-dead-1978_95861376447466If Night of the Livng Dead brought us the modern zombie and changed the way horror films were made and looked at, the Dawn of the Dead busted everything out and  we got to see the modern zombie in a goriest way possible.  The story goes, George A. Romero wanted Tom Savini to work on Night of the Living Dead, but Tom Savini went to Vietnam.  So when it came time to make Dawn of the Dead, Romero told him to start thinking of ways to kill people.

The make-up effects really changed, they realized the film would be in color so they needed the zombies to be set apart from the humans that were still alive so they tried to color the skin gray.  But on camera it turned a grayish blue and the blood came across too thick almost like paint.  This did not stop them from coming up with some over the top kills and effects.  The had things like a zombie getting the top of its head chopped off by a helicoptar blade or a shotgun blast to the face or as simple as biting into someone’s flesh and ripping it off.  The special effects in this film for 1978 were top notch. Continue reading “31 Days Of Horror: Dawn of the Dead (1978)”

31 Days of Horror: Zombieland

amazon-will-produce-a-tv-show-about-zombiesCan we even call this a horror film, I feel like I have done this before, hold on…Ok never mind, I thought I watched this one last year.  Everyone seems to enjoy this film and I will be honest, I did the first time I saw it, but now, now…

I cannot call this horror, same with Shaun of the Dead.  I really think Shaun of the Dead was a cool film at first, but I watched it a few weeks ago and it just doesn’t do it for me.  It is simply a comedy.  If I were to make a list of zombie films, these would qualify, but so would Warm Bodies and yeesh, that movie was garbage.  Before I go any further let me explain why it is hard to watch this movie, two reasons, Emma Stone and Jesse Eisenberg.  I do not like either one of these actors, both are garbage.  Emma Stone, I cannot stand her voice, I think do not think she is attractive and I hate that she is the Amazing Spider-man.  Jesse Eisenberg plays the part of an awkward college guy well, but at the same time he seems cocky, why would this fool be cocky, look at him, he is yes, a turd.  I loved Woody Harrelson in this one he was great and Abigail Breslin. who cares. Continue reading “31 Days of Horror: Zombieland”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1950s – 1960s)

night3This is the second installment of Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films.  This list will cover the 1950s and the 1960s.  You may ask why I decided to cover two decades.  If you do research in horror films produced by decade you will see that it grows every year.  The 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were more about quality over quantity.  In the 10 years between 1950 – 1959 there were 119 horror films made, in 2010 – 2013 214 were released.  Not to mention the 1970s and the 1980s horror films really took off, check out these charts thanks to  These are really interesting numbers.  It must be easy to make a horror film these days. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1950s – 1960s)”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #2 Dawn of the Dead

When there’s no more room in HELL, the dead will walk the EARTH

This is it, number two on the countdown.  If you were wondering if this was left out, hopefully you were not let down.  This is the ultimate zombie movie.  George Romero put one of the goriest films ever made, at the time anyway.  Back in the day the US theatrical cut of the film earned the taboo rating of X from the association because of its graphic violence and the gore.  I wonder if it had anything to do with people eating other people.  Against todays standards, Dawn of the Dead is pretty tame, but everyone now is totally desensatized. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #2 Dawn of the Dead”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #7 Day of the Dead

This may not be my favorite zombie movie made, but I do think it is the best zombie film ever made.  With this, it seemed at the time effects and make-up design really reached new heights.  Every single death in the film was extremely violent and elborate.  The story was great and you really felt the world was falling apart. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #7 Day of the Dead”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (30-21)

This is the list of my top 100 horror films of all time, we are getting closer and closer to number 1.  We still have 12 days in the month so we will have one more list of ten and then one by one the last 10 days we will countdown the top 10.  If you need to catch up, check this out to catch up.

For 100-91

For 90-81

For 80-71

For 70-61

For 60-51

For 50-41

For 40-31

Now for 30-21 Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (30-21)”

31 Days of Horror: Land of the Dead

Zombie!  If you have a bad day, watch a zombie flick.  You know why, becuase no matter what happens, nothing could be as bad as a zombie apocolypse.  No way, nothing could ever be that bad.  But when you watch this film if feels like everything is ok.  Fiddler’s Green is an upscale location gated off from the zombies.  Sure there are the lower levels that are rough and have under ground zombie fights.  The set up is very cool, but it doesn’t matter, zombies do not stop and there is always more of them then the alive. Continue reading “31 Days of Horror: Land of the Dead”

31 Days of Horror: Night of the Living Dead

Originally titled Night of the Flesh Eaters, this is the grandaddy of all modern zombie films.  This is the big one, if not for Night of the Living Dead we would not have a saturated market full of bull crap zombie movies.  Yeah I said it there are so many bad zombie films, it seems like if you wanna make a horror film, make it a zombie romp.  Movies with no story, bad acting and bad effects, we should make one!  To be honest I, like many, am a sucker for zombie movies and stories. Continue reading “31 Days of Horror: Night of the Living Dead”

Resident Evil 6 Demo

Finally we get to check out the demo for the new Resident Evil 6 game due out October 2, 2012.  The demo was actually released a few days ago, September 18th, but I finally got around to play it this morning.  First, I just want to say how excited I am about this games release.  I remember the wait between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5 to come out.  I believe it was 6 years bewtween games, this is just a little over 3 years.  Either way,  I am excited to play the newest installment of one of my favorite video game franchises. Continue reading “Resident Evil 6 Demo”