Batman Arkham Knight Trailer


I have been uncharacteristically quiet about the coming Batman Arkham Knight game, due June 2nd.  A couple of days ago the “Gotham is Mine” trailer was released and it really going me thinking and excited.  I am a big fan of Batman and the best Batman game series ever.  This trailer shows a little bit of everything, the story, the fighting and the use of the bat-mobile, which I am cautiously excited about.  I say that, because I am terrible at driving games, even GTA. Continue reading “Batman Arkham Knight Trailer”

Nightfall Unlimited…the Podcast

10329130_10204357153628133_5542471051244486516_nIt is here, the Podcast you have all been waiting for, Nightfall Unlimited’s first ever podcast is available for download.

A little history before I share the link.

In 2012 we began Nightfall Unlimited and planned to talk “geek culture” and eventually have a podcast when we became larger and had a following.  The time is now and we are ready.  Here is the link to our podcast
So download and listen to Dr. Vanntastic(Josh), Rayzor(Ray), MechTodzilla(Todd), the Intricate Idiot(Rich) and Brett as we talk about a bunch of different topics.

The first episode is called PVC and Pantyhose.  Do I need to explain?  Enjoy!

Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Announced

June 22nd, yesterday BioWare has announced that the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut will be available as a free download for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on June 26th.  The Extended Cut was announced back in April in response to widespread controversy over the ending of Mass Effect 3.  I did an article about this in April Rayzor’s Reflections – Mass Effect 3’s Ending.

According to , the extended cut “will expand upon the events at the end of Mass Effect 3 through additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes” and will “include deeper insight to Commander Shepard’s journey based on player choices during the war against the Reapers.” Continue reading “Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Announced”

RayZor’s Reflections: Days of Futures Past?

The title can be missleading and I am sorry, this has nothing todo with the X-Men. But something was somewhat proposed to me this afternoon and it is one hell of a good idea. It really got me thinking and I started to reflect on the past. When time’s were a little more simple, when the world was at our feet and we could do…anything?

What in the hell is Rayzor talking about?  This may be what your thinking, or maybe its, why in the hell am I reading this moron?  Either way I have your attention.  The propsal was about doing a movie day, that is all I will say and I am not going into details at this time.  You see, Movie Day is how Nightfall Unlimited really began.  Let me explain a little further, I now and going to delve into my past, it may be scary but stick with me I have a point. Continue reading “RayZor’s Reflections: Days of Futures Past?”

Rayzor’s Reviews: The Walking Dead Video Game

Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead has gone from comic book to television series and now a video game.  Just like the comic and show the video game is episodic.

The game was developed and produced by Telltale Games and released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Mac OS X and iOS and the first of five episodes was released on April 25th 2012. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reviews: The Walking Dead Video Game”

Rayzor’s Reflections – Mass Effect 3’s Ending

DISCLAIMER – This article may contain SPOILERS for Mass Effect 3…You have been WARNED!!!

Mass Effect 3

March 6, 2012 – The wait was over.  All Mass Effect fans would be unavailable for days, at least 40+ hours.  The trilogy was finally complete and we all turned on our Xbox 360s and PS3s to play the role of Commander Sheppard one last time.  Well, that was my mindset going in, and that may have put me in the minority.

Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections – Mass Effect 3’s Ending”