Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (2000-2013)

movie-high-tension-high-tension-wallpaper-high-tension-posters_800x600_22825Here we are, we have come to the end of the Top 10 Horror Film per decade. This is gonna be different, we are currently in a newer decade and only a couple of years in, so this will be 2000-2013. I know there are so many horror films produced in the last 3 years alone but in the top 100 list there are only a hand full from the last 13 years. It seem to be all about quantity, not quality and on my list I have a couple of quality films. So let us move on to the list.
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Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise

bannerIf you opened this post and thought I would do a list from the worst to the best Halloween film, well you call know me too well. Again as we march ever so slowly toward October and well the best holiday ever, Halloween, I wanna talk horror films. I have talked in length about the Friday the 13th franchise and I figures I should take a stab at Halloween. Halloween after all is where it all began for me when I was a kid. Well it was actually Halloween II, but either way, my life was changed.
So here we are again, I am making another list and this is not the last.  But you all know by now, I am a sucker for a good list.  So let me go ahead and mention, there will be no talk of the dreadful Rob Zombie films or Halloween III: Season of the Witch.  Actually, I will mention the original plan was to make a bunch of different Halloween films and not extend Michael Myers, Halloween and Halloween II were supposed to be the only Michael Myers Halloween films, the series was to be an anthology.  Halloween III: Season of the Witch has a bunch of cliché moments in the film, but I do find it a little entertaining.  I remember the first time I saw it, I kept asking when is Michael Myers going to show up?  So now you know I am keeping out the worst three films, if you must add them it would be a top ten list so here… Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1950s – 1960s)

night3This is the second installment of Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films.  This list will cover the 1950s and the 1960s.  You may ask why I decided to cover two decades.  If you do research in horror films produced by decade you will see that it grows every year.  The 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were more about quality over quantity.  In the 10 years between 1950 – 1959 there were 119 horror films made, in 2010 – 2013 214 were released.  Not to mention the 1970s and the 1980s horror films really took off, check out these charts thanks to www.popmatters.com.  These are really interesting numbers.  It must be easy to make a horror film these days. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1950s – 1960s)”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Favorite Video Games

This is my list, my favorite games of all time.  Everyone is different and loved different games for different reasons.   Just becuase these games are my top favorite, does not mean these are the best games ever.  I say this because I do not play some games that most say are great, Call of Duty, Bioshock, Portal, Dead Space, Borderlands, Halo and many other games.  Some games I have tried and just cannot play, I will make an excuse, with first person shooters, I get a little dizzy and feel pretty bad after playing. I have tried glasses and it did not work, so they are off limits.  Dead Space I just could not get in to at all.  Of course this does not mean I think these games are bad, if they were bad everyone on my friends list on Xbox Live would not be playing them. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Favorite Video Games”

Rayzor’s Reflections: The Deftones

deftonesClasicoIt has been a few years since the last I wrote about my favorite band.  Last I wrote, I had just gone to a concert in St. Louis.  Today I was listening to the Deftones while I was at work and I decided to work on a top 10 list of my top songs.  So I will post that last, along with they order in which I prefer the albums.  The only thing I will not be able to do is rate the new album, Koi No Yokan.  It is new and I have not listened to it as much as I would like.  It is very good, but I do not have a favorite that would crack the top 10 list.  Maybe next year, but this will only include everything up to Diamond Eyes. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: The Deftones”

RayZor’s Top 10 Batman Villians

It is Batman week, with the release of The Dark Knight Rises later this week I am doing a few things that has to do with the Caped Crusader.  This is of course my list and it contains my top 10.  I am pretty sure the majority of people would say Joker is the best of Batmans villains.  I agree to a point, but he is not my favorite.  Joker will make my top 10 but where does he fall in the countdown?  Stay tuned as I count down Rayzor’s Top 10 Batman Villains.

Batman has one fo the most celebrated list of villains, nicknamed “The Rogues Gallery”.  So where do I begin, who makes the cut.  To be honest there are so many I love, but many more that I just don’t understand.  A few examples, Killer Moth, he originally wore a costume with striped purple and green spandex, orange cape and a moth-like mask and I feel he just does not belong.  He seems more like one of Flash’s villains.  Also you will not see any of the mobsters like Carmine Falcone, or Salvator Maroni, Rupert Thorne.   Two that will not show up and will not see for sure is Selina Kyle, Catwoman.  She is a jewel theft that pretty much rides the fence for most of her history and in recently times has been an ally.  The other has become one of my favorite comic book characters of the last 10 years or so, Jason Todd.  I did not add him, he was Robinat one time and even as Red Hood has helped the Bat Family, sure when Bruce Wayne “died” he tried to kill Tim Drake and Dick Grayson, hell he even tried to kill Batman.  But he was in the top 11 and I needed to make a cut so I cut him.  So let us move on to the countdown.

Continue reading “RayZor’s Top 10 Batman Villians”

Top 10 Arnold Schwarzenegger Films

Arnold is a bad ass, anyone who grew up in the 1980’s and 1990’s knows just how bad ass he really is.  We watched him take on a predator, try to kill John Connor and try to save John Connor, compete on a twisted game show and go to Mars.  So with the Expenables 2 coming out in August I have decided to make a few top 10 lists, starting with Arnold.  Whether or not you agree with my order, point is these movie are awesome and Arnold is a BAD MOFO! Continue reading “Top 10 Arnold Schwarzenegger Films”