Outcast by Robert Kirkman

outcast_2We all know who Robert Kirkman is, right?  For those who don’t know, he is the creator of a favorite book, the Walking Dead, which of course everyone loves the television show spun out of the pages of the Walking Dead.  If you have been in a cave for the last 5 years, here, follow this link and order all 22 trade paper backs.  But this is not about the Walking Dead, I could talk all about how great the comic is and how the show has swept the nation.  No I wanna talk about Kirkman’s new book, Outcast.  This is not going to be a review, more than anything I want to spread the word for the book.  It is good. Continue reading “Outcast by Robert Kirkman”

Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Trailer


We get a little closer look at the upcoming game from Telltale, based on the popular HBO series, A Game of Thrones.  We posted the first trailer and it was ultra teaser, back in September.  Telltale brought us awesome games based on the Walking Dead and Fables, the Wolf Among Us.  Both games are amazing and the Walking Dead has two seasons to play. Continue reading “Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Trailer”

Rayzor’s Review: The Walking Dead – 400 Days

The-Walking-Dead-400-DaysThis is an interesting part of the Walking Dead video game by Telltale games.  It really has nothing to do with the first 5 episodes but does happen in the same area.  One of the cool things about this, you chose which story you want to do in what order.  Each episode takes place after infection.  You have 5 choices and have to complete all to finish the game.  There is an order to do these, I will get to that later.  The gameplay is the same as the original episodes, so no change.  But still this is mostly about story telling and good story telling. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: The Walking Dead – 400 Days”

Comics of 2003: A Look Back

imagesCAEHTBLXWelcome back to 2003, 10 years ago.  This will be a look back at the year in comics, what were the big story lines, what books hit milestones, were canceled or premiered.  Looking back it seems somethings were not happening, but building towards some major story lines from 2004.  The biggest would be from the pages of Batman, Hush, it started in 2002, but every issue came in 2003.  I nearly skipped this year due to the fact not much happened.  Although one ground breaking book did arrive towards the end of the year and it is one that is still running strong and has now a huge fan base, but I will get to that soon. Continue reading “Comics of 2003: A Look Back”

2012 in Review

Most people in the world will look back on the past year and say things, kind of nasty about the year or talk about the bad that happened.  Well there was a lot of bad that happened this year, but I am not here to talk about that.  I want to talk about a couple of good things, all geek related.  I am going to list the Top 5 movies I saw this year, the best video game this year and the best comic book story line I read.  I will add anything else I feel like talking about, lets face it, it is my forum. Continue reading “2012 in Review”

Rayzor’s Review: The Walking Dead Video Game

I realize I did a review a while back, but that was purely for the first episode and kind of a lay of the land.  This is a review to get caught up with the three episodes that have now been released.  Episode 3 was finally released last week and honestly seems like it took forever for it to come out.  Telltale games has released each episode 2 months apart and thy seem to wait until a day or two before it released to announce anything.  So if we do the math, the next episode should come out just in time for Halloween.  But until then, if you have not played the first three episodes, download them and play them.  The are available on the Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Mac OS X and iOS. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: The Walking Dead Video Game”

The Walking Dead #100

The Walking Dead is a comic book printed by Image Comics and writen by Robert Kirkman.  For those who don’t know, this is what the AMC show is based off.  The book and show are similar but different.  I do like the show but prefer the books.

I finally got to read this book this afternoon. After a lot of press for it’s release, it was kind of a bummer.  After following some of these characters for so many issues sometimes you get attached.  But early on in The Walking Dead you have to keep yourself from getting attached and that it tough.

Continue reading “The Walking Dead #100”

Rayzor’s Reviews: The Walking Dead Video Game

Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead has gone from comic book to television series and now a video game.  Just like the comic and show the video game is episodic.

The game was developed and produced by Telltale Games and released for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Mac OS X and iOS and the first of five episodes was released on April 25th 2012. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reviews: The Walking Dead Video Game”