Top 100 Horror Films of All-time: 2014 Edition (25 – 1)

dawn-of-the-deadOctober is coming to an end and Nightfall Unlimited, 31 Days of Horror and a new Top 100 Horror films are finishing up today.

Of course we did it differently this year and it made for an interesting list this year.  First off I want to thank everyone involved in bringing you this list, along with our own  Richie(Intricate Idiot) and the Artist still known as Jane Bush.  It was a lot of fun and with the people who were involved in bringing this list, I got to learn more about these people and see what they have or not have seen.  Jane, Richie and I need to have horror Tuesday or something.

This year I broke every horror film into sub-genres and we rated each film 1 – 10 in 5 categories.  Each sub-genre has different categories and that was the purpose for breaking them up.  Then we added the scores and got an average.  I then took everyone’s average and added them together and divided by how many ranked the films and came up with the 1 -10 score.  Then it took me forever to place the 150 films in place.  This is what we came up with, well the first 25 anyway, look for three more posts coming later this month and the top 25 on Halloween, so enjoy this little taste.   Remember when you see a number like this (95), that is where the film fell last year.

Here we go with the top 25 Horror Films of all-time, well according to the Nightfall Unlimited panel. Continue reading “Top 100 Horror Films of All-time: 2014 Edition (25 – 1)”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films of All-Time

the-exorcist-poster-image11This is it, the official full list of the 2013 version of my top 100 horror films.  Hope you followed the four posts and it made you wonder what was in the top 25 or what was number one, now I decided to give the entire list.  This will happen again next year as more horror films will be released and I more than likely will be adding the Conjuring. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films of All-Time”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (25-1)

rayzors top 100 25 -1Welcome to part four of the Rayzor’s top 100 Horror Films of all time.  I hope you have enjoyed this so far.  It was fun making the list.

Just to recap.

I made up 7 different categories and judge each film with the categories.  Each category of course I picked 1 to 10 and then I added each category and divided by 7 (number of categories) and added to the score and then divided the two score to come up with the final score, then put them into order.  Yeah I know I am crazy, but it made for an interesting list and since I don’t have enough people to vote I did it this way, next year I would like to do a Facebook vote.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (25-1)”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1970s)

texaschainsawmassacrep31-1024x678Welcome to the third installment of Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films by decade.  The first two I mixed decades due to the slim amount of horror films produced.  The 1970s proved to be a booming time for horror and times were changing.  With the release of George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in 1968 blood and gore became the life…blood of horror.  But there were other ways to scare, the Devil, aliens, crazy people in Texas and not to mention adding, “based on true events” helps.  I counted 467 horror films released in the 1970s compared to the 1960s 210 and the 1950s 121 horror films.  So there is no doubt the popularity of horror is growing.  Just wait for the 1980s the decade of the sequels.  One of the cool things about the 1970s, all of the horror classics that come from the decade.  Every film on this list I consider a horror classic and six of these films place in my 2013 top 100 horror film list, to be released in October. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1970s)”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #1 The Exorcist

Yes, I am sure everyone figured it out before this post went up.  It is hard to top a movie the still gives me issues, especially after I watch it.  Regardless of how many times I have seen this film, it still gives me the creeps.  I know back in the 1970’s when it was released, people passed out, some theatres passed out “Exorcist barf bags”.  There were rumors of subliminal imagery, so many alegations came from this movie.  I honeslty do not even think I need to say much about it, it is one of the best horror films ever.  Actually according to my countdown, it is the best.

So, I am going to let the movie speak for itself, it is great and I believe everyone must respect this film.  It has scared the hell out of a lot of people over the years and continues to do so.  So I am going to get back to my Halloween and horror films.  Thank you all for tuning in here for the entire month of October for the 31 Days of Horror and Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films.  It was fun and I am sure the list will change next year.  Don’t forget, it does not have to Halloween to enjoy horror, watch it often, it is a great art form and it keeps your heart racing.

Check back with us soon as we turn the calender to November where things are probably going to change a little bit Nightfall.

Happy Halloween!