Spider-man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

spiderman spiderman logo 1920x1080 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_68When the deal was announced, I was pretty excited, even if the biggest Spider-man fan I know was being a turn about the announcement.  Since then, there have been rumors galore, who will be Spider-man, I have heard it will be Peter Parker and now there is the rumor of Sony wanting to have an ethnic Spider-man.  This is kinda bizarre to me, mostly due to the fact that Peter Parker has been Spidey for so many years, the fans know him more than any other, so why bother trying to introduce a different Spider-man.  They have said, the origin will be skipped this time, so again, it should be Peter Parker, we all know his origin. Continue reading “Spider-man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe”

Updated List of Comic Book Hero Films thru 2020

It is a long road ahead, but baring any announcements coming, it looks like we have a full plate ahead for the next 6 years.  I count 32 films total and it is amazing some of the films that are coming our way.  If we go back 10 or 15 years ago, we would have never expected this coming, not to mention the films that are behind us.  When we do the Top 50 Superhero Films of All-Time in 2020, we may have to expand to 100. Continue reading “Updated List of Comic Book Hero Films thru 2020”

Nightfall Unlimited’s Top 50 Superhero Films

Throughout July we did the countdown, so here we have the complete list.  I would love to know where these films rank on everyone else’s lists.  We actually broke down the films into categories and combined out scores to come up with the order.  Also, if I had to add Guardians of the Galaxy to this list, Green Hornet would fall off the list and I would place Guardians of the Galaxy around number 18 or 19. So here is the complete list.

Continue reading “Nightfall Unlimited’s Top 50 Superhero Films”

Rayzor’s Top 50 Superhero Films: 2014 Edition (10 – 1)


Thank you all for sticking with me or so long through this countdown.  It has been a pleasure bringing it to you.  While I am sure most will be disappointed with this list.  It was again based on multiple people rating each film, not just my opinion.  But it was fun, I want to do this again next year with the Avengers: Age of Ultron, Fantastic Four reboot, Ant-man and we can add Guardians of the Galaxy that is coming out tomorrow. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 50 Superhero Films: 2014 Edition (10 – 1)”

RayZor’s Review: The Amazing Spider-man 2

amazing_spiderman_posterA lot of people thought this movie would be a big mess going in, I agreed.  But I like to wait and see before I judge.  I did just that, I watched each trailer, listened to all of my friends and read just about everyone complain about how bad this film would be.  Then it came out and everyone of course called it terrible.  Continue reading “RayZor’s Review: The Amazing Spider-man 2”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Best Superhero Films of All Time

1367300113_jelThis is the list I have been meaning to post for about a year now.  With the summer blockbuster season kicking off with the release of Iron Man 3 this week, it also marks the beginning of a big year in super hero films.  Starting with Iron Man 3 coming out this past weekend and soon we will finally get to see Superman in the Man of Steel June 14th, then The Wolverine July 26th,  Kick Ass 2 August 16 and Thor: The Dark World November 8th.  Personally I am looking forward to everyone of theses films, I may be in the minority about the Wolverine.  But for me it will be the Man of Steel I look forward to the most of all. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Best Superhero Films of All Time”

The Amazing Spider-Man Midnight Show with Fantasy Books Inc.

Hey everyone it’s Rayzor, I was informed yesterday by my friends at Fantasy Books Inc., they are having an event for The Amazing Spider-man film.

Next week is The Amazing Spider-man Tuesday at midnight(Monday night) we’re hosting the midnight showing.  Tickets are available at our Bellevile location as well as at their box office.  This time we’re doing a different special. We’re still doing the sale prices on tickets if you make a purchase of $50 or $100, but this time we also have Meal Deal coupons.  You get an Amazing Spider-man cup soft drink and a popcorn for $9.00! (a $10.50 value).  Thanks to the Fantasy Books Inc. facebook page.

For more details check out there facebook or http://fantasybooksinc.com/, really you should just go to one of there convient locations the store in Belleville so see Mike.  Check out the biggest store in Ofallon, Il and see Steve, or Heroice Adventures in Edwardsville.

Don’t forget The Amazing Spider-man Monday night at the Lincoln Theatre in downtown Belleville.  Tickets are still available.  http://www.lincolntheatre-belleville.com/