Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films of All-Time

the-exorcist-poster-image11This is it, the official full list of the 2013 version of my top 100 horror films.  Hope you followed the four posts and it made you wonder what was in the top 25 or what was number one, now I decided to give the entire list.  This will happen again next year as more horror films will be released and I more than likely will be adding the Conjuring. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films of All-Time”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (25-1)

rayzors top 100 25 -1Welcome to part four of the Rayzor’s top 100 Horror Films of all time.  I hope you have enjoyed this so far.  It was fun making the list.

Just to recap.

I made up 7 different categories and judge each film with the categories.  Each category of course I picked 1 to 10 and then I added each category and divided by 7 (number of categories) and added to the IMDB.com score and then divided the two score to come up with the final score, then put them into order.  Yeah I know I am crazy, but it made for an interesting list and since I don’t have enough people to vote I did it this way, next year I would like to do a Facebook vote.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (25-1)”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (50-26)

Sinister_Quad_Rev_AW.inddWelcome to part three of the Rayzor’s top 100 Horror Films of all time.  I hope you have enjoyed this so far.  It was fun making the list.

Just to recap.

I made up 7 different categories and judge each film with the categories.  Each category of course I picked 1 to 10 and then I added each category and divided by 7 (number of categories) and added to the IMDB.com score and then divided the two score to come up with the final score, then put them into order.  Yeah I know I am crazy, but it made for an interesting list and since I don’t have enough people to vote I did it this way, next year I would like to do a Facebook vote.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (50-26)”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (75-51)

rayzors top 100 75-51The is the second part of the four.  Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films of all-time.  I hope you are enjoying the list and hope one day you make your own.  I made up 7 different categories and judge each film with the categories.  Each category of course I picked 1 to 10 and then I added each category and divided by 7 (number of categories) and added to the IMDB.com score and then divided the two score to come up with the final score, then put them into order.  Yeah I know I am crazy, but it made for an interesting list and since I don’t have enough people to vote I did it this way, next year I would like to do a Facebook vote.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (75-51)”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (100-76)

HouseWelcome to 2013’s installment of the top 100 horror films of all time.  I did this last year and since I have seen more films that I have added to the list, not to mention this list is less personal.  What so I mean by less personal, well last year I put everything in order on how I feel about each film, this year it is different.  I wanted to change things up a little so I made up 7 different categories and judge each film with the categories.  Each category of course I picked 1 to 10 and then I added each category and divided by 7 (number of categories) and added to the IMDB.com score and then divided the two score to come up with the final score, then put them into order.  Yeah I know I am crazy, but it made for an interesting list and since I don’t have enough people to vote I did it this way, next year I would like to do a Facebook vote.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (100-76)”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1980s)

horror-movie-poster-lettering-1984-nightmare-on-elm-streetWe are inching closer and closer to October, Halloween stores are popping all over the place, I have noticed and abundance of ghost story shows popping up all over television.  You know how people are excited with the build up to Thanksgiving and then Christmas, this is how I feel about October and Halloween.  I was able to watch a few horror films this weekend, nothing big, Friday the 13th VII and VII and Halloween II and Halloween 4.  So yeah I am getting prepared.

Anyway welcome back to Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror films by decade.  This time it is the second biggest decade for horror, the 1980s.  I wanted to take a minute to mention the way horror changed in the 1980s.  I consider the 1980s the decade of the sequels.  A series would start and a slew of sequels would follow.  We did see this in the 1930s and 1940s but not to this extreme.  In 1980s the Friday the 13th series was launched and nearly every year after we saw a new Friday the 13th, with the exception of 1983 and 1987.  From 1984-1989 we saw five A Nightmare on Elm Street films.  Of course there were many more and most lacked the quality of the series I mentioned.  Honestly there were many films that did not need a sequel and rebirths of other franchises.  The 1980s also gave us some of the craziest horror films ever and what I consider the greatest zombie movie made. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1980s)”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1970s)

texaschainsawmassacrep31-1024x678Welcome to the third installment of Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films by decade.  The first two I mixed decades due to the slim amount of horror films produced.  The 1970s proved to be a booming time for horror and times were changing.  With the release of George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead in 1968 blood and gore became the life…blood of horror.  But there were other ways to scare, the Devil, aliens, crazy people in Texas and not to mention adding, “based on true events” helps.  I counted 467 horror films released in the 1970s compared to the 1960s 210 and the 1950s 121 horror films.  So there is no doubt the popularity of horror is growing.  Just wait for the 1980s the decade of the sequels.  One of the cool things about the 1970s, all of the horror classics that come from the decade.  Every film on this list I consider a horror classic and six of these films place in my 2013 top 100 horror film list, to be released in October. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1970s)”

Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise

bannerIf you opened this post and thought I would do a list from the worst to the best Halloween film, well you call know me too well. Again as we march ever so slowly toward October and well the best holiday ever, Halloween, I wanna talk horror films. I have talked in length about the Friday the 13th franchise and I figures I should take a stab at Halloween. Halloween after all is where it all began for me when I was a kid. Well it was actually Halloween II, but either way, my life was changed.
So here we are again, I am making another list and this is not the last.  But you all know by now, I am a sucker for a good list.  So let me go ahead and mention, there will be no talk of the dreadful Rob Zombie films or Halloween III: Season of the Witch.  Actually, I will mention the original plan was to make a bunch of different Halloween films and not extend Michael Myers, Halloween and Halloween II were supposed to be the only Michael Myers Halloween films, the series was to be an anthology.  Halloween III: Season of the Witch has a bunch of cliché moments in the film, but I do find it a little entertaining.  I remember the first time I saw it, I kept asking when is Michael Myers going to show up?  So now you know I am keeping out the worst three films, if you must add them it would be a top ten list so here… Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise”

October 2013 is COMING!

Yep, I am more than a month early this year, but what can I say, I am excited about October, it should be the Official Horror Film Appreciation month.  Anyway that is how myself and many people I know treat October.  This year we do have some things planned and of course I will list them.  Last year we did not get Byrds 5 Movies that scared the hell out of him, so maybe this year, but we did get a few things from Artist Jane Bush.

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films 2013

I have updated my list of the Top 100 Horror Films of All-time. Just to inform everyone, last year I made up list and it is based on the films I have seen and it is my preference.  For 2013 I changed things up a little, I now have categories to grade films in and from the average I rank them, then took my score and added it to the Internet Movie Database average and divided the number to come up with the overall score, things changed a lot.  SPOILER ALERT!  Number 1 is different this year.  I think everyone will be happy, a lot of familiar films will show up on the list and about 7 or 8 new films, some may not be expected.

31 Days Horror

Last year we did 31 days of Horror, I watched a horror film and relived the moments I remember and shared them with you guys.  I also plan to try and get my friend, you may know him as the Intricate Idiot, to chime in on a couple of the 31 days.

Top 25 B-Horror Films

This will also be presented by Intricate Idiot, I challenged him and it seems he ready to sink his teeth into this challenge.

Byrds 5 Movies that Scared the Hell Out of Him (possibly)

This is and idea for a article he mentioned the other day.  He doesn’t watch horror films often at all.  So this could be interesting.

More Nightfall Paranormal Society

I plan on doing more research on some of the haunted areas that surround me, like Alton, IL and share some of the stories.

Of course October is 31 days and more could come to light, I will re-share some of the older stories on the facebook page, linked back here.  October is coming, so get ready!

2012 in Review

Most people in the world will look back on the past year and say things, kind of nasty about the year or talk about the bad that happened.  Well there was a lot of bad that happened this year, but I am not here to talk about that.  I want to talk about a couple of good things, all geek related.  I am going to list the Top 5 movies I saw this year, the best video game this year and the best comic book story line I read.  I will add anything else I feel like talking about, lets face it, it is my forum. Continue reading “2012 in Review”