I Found My Reason


Please visit Elizabeth’s Go Fund Me pager here and follow her progress on Facebook by liking her page here.  Please if you can help us and share her story.

I am not a perfect person, this is true, but I am lucky, I found my reason.  I found her in 2003.  Elizabeth and I started dating in late 2003, I will never forget how beautiful she was when I first saw her.  I was working at Toys r Us at the time and I was up on the over stock shelves and I saw her walk in the door.  She walked all the way over to where I was, to see her brother, who I worked with.  It wasn’t long before we started dating.  It was a lot of fun at first but when February 2004 came around, things got hard.  My mother passed away from liver cancer and I went to a dark place.  Elizabeth did all she could to keep things together, but I was in a bad place, so in August 2005, 10 years ago, we broke up with me.

There were so many reasons for the break-up.  I was not moving forward, I was not a very good boy friend and I know these things.  Time did feel like it stopped when my mom died and she was not the only victim in my dark reign.  After our break-up, I slipped deeper and deeper into a dark place.  I was drinking and hanging out with girls I had no business being around.  There were some good times in there, I had good friends trying to help me out of my darkness.  Edgar, Dan and Tony all did what they could to bring me back from perdition.  One day, I started to realize what was going on with me and figured it out.  I pulled my crap together and I knew what I had to do to get Elizabeth back. Continue reading “I Found My Reason”

Rayzor’s Romances: The Legend of Kimmy Kay (part 3)

Don’t forget to check out my other website, Nightfall Unlimited and follow the twitter page @NightfallUNLTD and while your at it follow my personal twitter @Rayzor_33.

This is the final part about Kim, I need to end it.

So we last left off with Kim soaking wet at my front door.  She had tears in her eyes and I was stunned.  She started to tell me she was worried about me breaking up with her and how she feared the “end of us”.  To combat crazy, with crazy, I had to stop her so I kissed her.  I kissed her so hard she fall back onto the steps and we made out on the steps outside my apartment building.  I have to be honest, it was amazing, I can remember it like it was yesterday, at 15 it may have been the most passionate moment of my life, to that point of course.

From that point things got better between us, my mom moved us to a duplex a little further away.  It did not stop Kim from coming over whenever she wanted.  By the time summer began, she was over everyday, until Scott would come by to hangout.  Scott and I would hang out a lot and he was dating a girl named Amy and we would hang out with Amy frequently.  Looking back, I probably should have brought Kim along, but Amy would always bring her friend Shauna.  When Kim found out about that, I think it pushed her over the edge with jealousy. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Romances: The Legend of Kimmy Kay (part 3)”

Rayzor’s Romances: The Legend of Kimmy Kay (part 2)

Don’t forget to check out my other website, Nightfall Unlimited and follow the twitter page @NightfallUNLTD and while your at it follow my personal twitter @Rayzor_33.

Last time I talked about the beginning of our relationship and how we came to meet.  I basically screwed over one of my best friends, over a girl.  Hell, I was 15 and it was the mid 1990s, I had an entire life ahead of me and to me at the time, it felt like the right thing to do.

But before I move on, I wanted to go back to one of the make out parties we had.  Jason decided to take a shower and I was going to walk the girls back to Kim’s house.  I forgot to mention that Kim lived really close, like a block away.  So I was walking them home and as we get to the corner, I see a previous girlfriend and her new boyfriend, who was a “thug”.  Well he did not like me too much.  He and Tonya were sitting on the steps of this building not far from my apartment.  He saw me and without a second thought stood up and pulled a gun, I told the girls to run, they did and he fired at me.  I turned and took off running to my apartment and went inside, scared for my life.  I did call the police, but nothing came of it.  Days later, I had heard Tonya broke up with the guy and he was overcome with grief and put that very gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger…He survived.  I do not know how true the last part was, but I did get the gun pulled on me while I was walking Kim and Rhaisha home. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Romances: The Legend of Kimmy Kay (part 2)”

Rayzor’s Failed Romances: Vivian had one thing going for her

Don’t forget to check out my other website, Nightfall Unlimited and follow the twitter page @NightfallUNLTD and while your at it follow my personal twitter @Rayzor_33.

Yeah, 17 years later and I still remember, I had a slight crusg on a girl named Vivian.  This was maybe junior or senior year of high school, so we’re talking 1997ish. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Failed Romances: Vivian had one thing going for her”

Rayzor’s Romances: The Legend of Kimmy Kay part 1

I will never be able to write about book or a memoir about the long trip of getting to my wife.  I know, I know most people have a good story to tell and I think I have a few good ones.  Some make me look like a looney tune and some make the girl look crazy.  To be honest, I am not afraid to make myself look bad.  But for the safety of the person I am referring to I will only ever use the first name.  That way only some of the people who may have been involved or knew the person would have any idea what I am blathering about.
Continue reading “Rayzor’s Romances: The Legend of Kimmy Kay part 1”