RayZor’s Reflections: Music that Inspires (1985 – 1993)

1111So if you will notice, I had to change the title.  Music that made me, make no sense whatsoever.  So, music that inspires, well it is true.  I grew up around music, my mom, in the car would always have something playing and something good.  She was only 21 when I was born, so for the most part she still listened to a lot of the popular music from the 1980s.  My first few years of life were filled with Styx, Bon Jovi, Journey, Def Leppard and Steve Miller Band.  She even went to a Styx concert while being prego with me, days before I was born.  Every now and again she would go ahead and throw some of the music she loved from the 1970s, which I hate to say was a lot of Disco. Continue reading “RayZor’s Reflections: Music that Inspires (1985 – 1993)”

Rayzor’s Reflections: 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

TMNTTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles month rolls on here on Nightfall Unlimited with a look back at the show that more than likely got us all into the turtles in the first place.  If your between the ages of 20 and 40, give or take a few years each way.  Doesn’t matter, I think when someone mentions the turtles this springs to mind.  It is so iconic, if there were no other incarnations of the Ninja Turtles, I am sure most of us would be cool with this.

It of course began a few years after the comic began and was released near the end of 1987.  It picked up in 1988 and that is about when I first began watching.  GI Joe was gone and so was Transformers and the Ninja Turtles hit at a perfect time for me.  I jumped right in and I watched every time I could, I would hear that damned theme song and jump right in, after I ran to my room and grab my crate full of figures so I could play and watch.  When I say I play and watch, I was 8 and playing with my Ninja Turtles figures, mostly play with Leonardo and Usagi Yojimbo, sword fighting against the Shredder.   Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”

Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise

bannerIf you opened this post and thought I would do a list from the worst to the best Halloween film, well you call know me too well. Again as we march ever so slowly toward October and well the best holiday ever, Halloween, I wanna talk horror films. I have talked in length about the Friday the 13th franchise and I figures I should take a stab at Halloween. Halloween after all is where it all began for me when I was a kid. Well it was actually Halloween II, but either way, my life was changed.
So here we are again, I am making another list and this is not the last.  But you all know by now, I am a sucker for a good list.  So let me go ahead and mention, there will be no talk of the dreadful Rob Zombie films or Halloween III: Season of the Witch.  Actually, I will mention the original plan was to make a bunch of different Halloween films and not extend Michael Myers, Halloween and Halloween II were supposed to be the only Michael Myers Halloween films, the series was to be an anthology.  Halloween III: Season of the Witch has a bunch of cliché moments in the film, but I do find it a little entertaining.  I remember the first time I saw it, I kept asking when is Michael Myers going to show up?  So now you know I am keeping out the worst three films, if you must add them it would be a top ten list so here… Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise”

Rayzor’s Reflections: Nightfall Comics


Logo by: Todd R. Mitchell

The idea came nearly two years ago.  Todd Mitchell and I set out on a journey that has seemed to fail.  I don’t see it that way maybe it is on hold for now.  That is hope talking, but the last few days things have been pulling me back to my love for writing comics.  I really want to write comics, since I can rememeber and I have a dream of my own publishing company.  I think it still may be in the cards and like I said something keeps bringing me towards this dream.  I am learning about people I have known in the past and still know that may be able to be apart of something special, maybe.  So I did some digging into some older files and found some of the first art work submitted to Nightfall Comics, I felt like putting it up on the website to share with you fine people.  So enjoy and any feedback woud be great.  Truth is, I believe in Nightfall Comics.

Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: Nightfall Comics”

Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Announced

June 22nd, yesterday BioWare has announced that the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut will be available as a free download for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on June 26th.  The Extended Cut was announced back in April in response to widespread controversy over the ending of Mass Effect 3.  I did an article about this in April Rayzor’s Reflections – Mass Effect 3’s Ending.

According to www.masseffect.com , the extended cut “will expand upon the events at the end of Mass Effect 3 through additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes” and will “include deeper insight to Commander Shepard’s journey based on player choices during the war against the Reapers.” Continue reading “Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Announced”

RayZor’s Reflections: Days of Futures Past?

The title can be missleading and I am sorry, this has nothing todo with the X-Men. But something was somewhat proposed to me this afternoon and it is one hell of a good idea. It really got me thinking and I started to reflect on the past. When time’s were a little more simple, when the world was at our feet and we could do…anything?

What in the hell is Rayzor talking about?  This may be what your thinking, or maybe its, why in the hell am I reading this moron?  Either way I have your attention.  The propsal was about doing a movie day, that is all I will say and I am not going into details at this time.  You see, Movie Day is how Nightfall Unlimited really began.  Let me explain a little further, I now and going to delve into my past, it may be scary but stick with me I have a point. Continue reading “RayZor’s Reflections: Days of Futures Past?”

RayZor’s Reflections: Batman the Animated Series 20th Anniversary

September 1992, Batman the Animated Series debuted and in many ways changed Superhero cartoons forever.  Up until BTAS arrived most or nearly all cartoon adaptions of comic book heroes were always silly and really made for smaller children.  When BTAS came out I was 12 and it reached me and even people older than me.   Indirectly it leads to a more serious adaptations Marvel Spider-man Animated Series, X-men animated series. Continue reading “RayZor’s Reflections: Batman the Animated Series 20th Anniversary”

Rayzor’s Reflections – Mass Effect 3’s Ending

DISCLAIMER – This article may contain SPOILERS for Mass Effect 3…You have been WARNED!!!

Mass Effect 3

March 6, 2012 – The wait was over.  All Mass Effect fans would be unavailable for days, at least 40+ hours.  The trilogy was finally complete and we all turned on our Xbox 360s and PS3s to play the role of Commander Sheppard one last time.  Well, that was my mindset going in, and that may have put me in the minority.

Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections – Mass Effect 3’s Ending”