Top 50 Glam Metal Songs part 2!

tumblr_mejf5hnSIE1rkizt2o1_1280Hey everyone, if you did not know, I co-founded Nightfall Unlimited, check it out, we are starting the Top 50 Glam Metal songs of all time.  It is a fun list and we started with the honorable mentions, so click here and check it out.  Do me a favor and check us out of facebook and follow Nightfall Unlimited on twitter @NightfallUNLTD, or me @Rayzor_33.

Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (50 – 41)

Sorry this is on Wednesday, but hey…your still looking at this, ha!

Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (50 – 41)


Welcome to the beginning of the actual countdown.  Last time we did the honorable mentions, of course I stated we started with 64 and moved down to 50. 50 is a good round number of course and most lists are 100, 50 or top 10.  This is top 50 and welcome to the first part, 50 -41.  So rather than waste more time, here is number 50. Continue reading “Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (50 – 41)”

Top 50 Glam Metal Songs

Top 50 Glam MetalHey everyone, if you did not know, I co-founded Nightfall Unlimited, check it out, we are starting the Top 50 Glam Metal songs of all time.  It is a fun list and we started with the honorable mentions, so click here and check it out.  Do me a favor and check us out of facebook and follow Nightfall Unlimited on twitter @NightfallUNLTD, or me @Rayzor_33.

Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (Honorable Mentions)

Check back weekly for the next few weeks or you could follow the twitter pages and the facebook.


Music Monday: Micky Rockitt’s B-side Soundtrack

B7kv-rnCYAE92KZA couple of weeks ago, Artist Jane Bush did a soundtrack for our web comic character Micky Rockitt.  Check it out, Micky Rockitt’s TOTALLY RAD 80’s Rock Playlist!  But I was thinking that Micky Rockitt and the Sharks have a little darker tone to their music.

While writing the comic, I, like Jane listened to a lot of Glam Metal while writing and I was reminded of the top 50 list I did a couple of years ago.  The list desperately needs an update, hmmm.  I will make it so.

Anyway this list as I said, it is a little darker but still rocks hard and to me it feels like what Micky’s music was like.  Well in my mind anyway.  Continue reading “Music Monday: Micky Rockitt’s B-side Soundtrack”

RayZor’s Reflections: Music that Inspires (1985 – 1993)

1111So if you will notice, I had to change the title.  Music that made me, make no sense whatsoever.  So, music that inspires, well it is true.  I grew up around music, my mom, in the car would always have something playing and something good.  She was only 21 when I was born, so for the most part she still listened to a lot of the popular music from the 1980s.  My first few years of life were filled with Styx, Bon Jovi, Journey, Def Leppard and Steve Miller Band.  She even went to a Styx concert while being prego with me, days before I was born.  Every now and again she would go ahead and throw some of the music she loved from the 1970s, which I hate to say was a lot of Disco. Continue reading “RayZor’s Reflections: Music that Inspires (1985 – 1993)”

Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(10-1)

Alright everyone, this is it, then end of the countdown.  I wanted to thank everyone for sticking with me in this and I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I have.  I want to remind you all, this countdown was put together and every song voted on by my “panel of experts”.  Thank you all who were involved, it really was a good time and I hope we can do something like this again.  So here is the entire list, with a recap of 50-11.

Continue reading “Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(10-1)”

Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(20-11)

Yep, another day, another 10 songs coming your way.  I hope everyone is enjoying the countdown so far.  I know there has been some disappointments and surprises but just wait because the top 20 songs begin today.  So sit back, pull up to watch some videos of songs 20-11.  Yeah there are a bunch of really good ones, but first check out a recap.

Continue reading “Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(20-11)”

Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(30-21)

As I said before, since I missed a couple of days this is a second post of the day for the countdown.  Well so far we have seen some hits and in my opinion some shits.  But as I said before this isn’t my personal list, we have a “panel of ecxperts” who spoke there mind and voted.  It was really fun and I really look forward to doing this again soon.  If your interested in voting on the next Top 50 list check us out on facebook, nightfall unlimited.  Anyway here is part 3 of the Top 50 1980’s Glam Rock songs, first a recap.

Continue reading “Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(30-21)”

Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(40-31)

Back to it, the countdown must go on.  I am sorry for anyone reading it has been a wild last few days.  As I said in the preview postand the first post, this is was made and voted on by friends and fans of the genre or my “panel of ecxperts”.  With the help my friends we picked 64 songs and put them in a bracket and voted all the way to number 1.

Continue reading “Top 50 1980′s Glam Rock Songs(40-31)”

Top 50 1980’s Glam Rock Songs Preview

I wanna rock!  Who else wants to rock?  Well earlier this year I preformed a social experiment with a few friends of mine.  A good friend D-Bo/Derrick, we listen to I Heart Radio nearly everyday while we work.  We were listening a lot of Warrent, Poison, Motley Crue, Firehouse and Guns N’ Roses.  We began to discuss our favorite songs from one of the most loved or hated era’s in music history.  I grew up on this music and simply love it very much.  So then we decided to make a list of our top 50 Glam Rock or Hair band songs.  Continue reading “Top 50 1980’s Glam Rock Songs Preview”