Life on Replay

replay-button-whiteDo you ever feel like everyday is a repeat of the day before.  Maybe it’s a new day and the problems are different, but really, are they?

I took a weeks vacation from my day job last week and I am currently in the second day back and it’s business as usual.  Yesterday is today and today is yesterday.  I work in a retail environment, but not a typical situation.  Customer service is king in every retail environment, but I work not only with customers, but how the store us set.  It used to be an interesting job.  I’d visit 4 different stores a week and each store was different.  Same company, same work, but different people and challenges.  This made the job more interesting.  Now things have changed, I am in one store everyday, same people, same job, each day feels like the last and I just think, “it’s tuesday, only 4 days to Saturday…”

Continue reading “Life on Replay”

I Feel…the World is Coming Down

There is a war brewing inside me, well maybe not a war, but a conflict to be sure.  Sometimes, I feel like I have it together, I am self aware as I like to put it.  But then there are other times that I feel like the world is coming down on me, like now.   I feel an enormous amount of pressure, pressure to please, pressure to produce and I feel like a failure as a human being.  But that last part brings up too many questions, why are we here, what is the meaning of life and all that crap.  I am not looking for the meaning of life, just a happy life.
For the most part I have had it rough, from birth to this moment, life has not been easy.  Someone once said, “Bad shit happens to shitty people.”  Unfortunately,  I don’t this person thought about or allowed all the possibilities of a situation.  Would you call a new born baby a shitty person, if it were born into an unhappy marriage?  I should hope not, how about a two year old who is watching his mother go through a tough divorce and possible abuse?  Is the kid a shitty person, because these things are effecting that person, whether they like it or not.  Bad things happen to everyone, regardless of what kind of a person…  Most people do not ask for bad things to happen to them, it just does happen. Continue reading “I Feel…the World is Coming Down”

Top 50 Glam Metal Songs

Top 50 Glam MetalHey everyone, if you did not know, I co-founded Nightfall Unlimited, check it out, we are starting the Top 50 Glam Metal songs of all time.  It is a fun list and we started with the honorable mentions, so click here and check it out.  Do me a favor and check us out of facebook and follow Nightfall Unlimited on twitter @NightfallUNLTD, or me @Rayzor_33.

Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (Honorable Mentions)

Check back weekly for the next few weeks or you could follow the twitter pages and the facebook.


Nightfall Unlimited the Podcast taking a Hiatus

IMG_2858-0.JPGWe are taking a little holiday hiatus, don’t hate us.  But the holiday’s are very important to us at Nightfall Unlimited as is our families.  So we will take a little break and come back strong in 2015.  Thank you to all who have stuck with us and continue to listen.  Happy Holidays!

Rayzor the Podcaster?

I have the bug, the podcasting bug.  Nightfall Unlimited has been up for nearly 3 years now and this past summer we started a podcast.  Check it out, it isn’t too bad, here is a link, click, Nightfall Unlimited…the Podcast.  It has been a lot of fun and the website itself, has been growing.  It has been growing in viewership and contributors.  Couple of major contributors are guys like my friend Richie or Intricate Idiot, Artest Jane Bush and my buddy Todd.

We are actually working on gaming month this month and almost time to podcast again.  I just feel like it is time to put it out there that I am podcasting and Nightfall Unlimited is doing well.  We are making a push to get a table at Wizard World St. Louis and maybe recording there, so that could be fun.  We are also possibly expanding and looking for new talent to write for our website.  Check us out and if you are interested, send an email to

Check us out and wish us luck on our next 10 podcasts.  Oh and if you are a twitter follower follow us @NightfallUNLTD and of Facebook, just search Nightfall Unlimited.

Nightfall Unlimited’s Back Log November

NUbacklogNovember UnHello friends, those of you who have listened to our podcast, you may have heard THE Dr. Vanntastic or Josh lay down a challenge.  Well the challenge was for the podcast team to work a little bit on our video game back log.  I know there are a few of us here at Nightfall Unlimited digging into something that has just been lingering in our back log.

So with that, I invite you to do the same.  Take a game out, one that has been sitting waiting to be played and get in to it this month.  If it helps, here are some of the games we here at Nightfall Unlimited will be playing as Video Game Back Log November marches on.

So. yeah check out our selections below and join us.  Comment and let us know what you plan to play. Continue reading “Nightfall Unlimited’s Back Log November”

September is Music Month!

September is coming soon and rather than let the month pass into obscurity when October comes.  October is always a fun month, but for a geek, what is so great about September?  Well we are going to do something we have never done and talk music.

All month long we will talk about our favorite bands, favorite songs, and really anything goes.  We will still see Jane’s Music Monday, but everyone is going to pitch in to talk some music.  The great thing is we all have different tastes in music.

Come celebrate September, musically, with Nightfall Unlimited.  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for all of the updates.

Frustration and the Lack of Dealing

I am supremely frustrated and not sure how to deal with this problem.

You see, I have a lot of things going on with my life that make me happy and sometimes when I look back at everything I do, I get confused.  What I mean is professionally, mentally and physically I am drained.  It is awful.  I am not sure how I got to this point or where to go from here, but I have talked to people close to me.  The people I know seem to say the same thing, take a break and do things to decompress.  Well isn’t that just the answer, it really is and probably the write thing to do.  But I ask you, what happens when your form of taking  a break or decompressing is just another thing to frustrate you?  Let me explain.

I work for a big box retailer, the Home Depot, it is physically killing me, my legs, feet and back are never feeling well, I would say it is 14 years in retail and the last 7 working on a concrete floor for 8 hours a day.  I am unhappy with my choice of employment, but I blame myself for many reason I could blame from my youth.  I feel trapped and I was told this would happen.  I wake up every single day and do not want to get out of bed.  I realize many are like this, but this is not what I want to do with my life. Continue reading “Frustration and the Lack of Dealing”

But Its the Holiday season! or Happy 91st Stan “the Man” Lee!

the manWe have been away for about a week now, sorry about that, things get busy during the holiday season with everyone.  With being with family friends or even a long lost love, the holiday season is here and Nightfall Unlimited contributors have been really busy making the most of our busy holiday season.

We hope to come back in 2014 stronger than ever.  With more content coming from our terrific group of contributors.  Not to mention we have a few events planned for the future.  We hope to make 2014 the year of Nightfall Unlimited.  So stick with us, we are not going anywhere.

I also wanted to say Happy Birthday to a hero to all of us here at Nightfall Unlimited, Stan Lee…Excelsior!  He is responsible from some of the biggest comic heroes today, created Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, X-Men,

Happy Holidays from the staff at Nightfall and Happy Birthday Stan Lee.

Nightfall Unlimited and the Future

This is kind of an announcement, but not really.  There is something we are trying to do here at Nightfall, I am not 100% sure it will work or happen.  But after doing many horror reviews last month, I was very tired and needed a little break.  While I was on the break I began writing fiction again and really enjoyed myself.  In talking to a few other friend who like to write we came up with a possible project.

The Project it to be call Chapters of Evil and is a horror film.  It is going to be a horror anthology, much like Creepshow or Tales from the Darkside.  The plan is to have five or six different writers, write different stories that do not connect.  Like the Tales from the Crypt there will be a story to introduce each segment.  Everything will be produced by the people involved in the making of the film.  That is usually where we have trouble, but it will be an extremely low budget.  That is the plan, we will see hwat will happen, not sure if this will happen, but we at Nightfall have been wanting to show our creative prouse for some time.  Fingers crossed, keep checking here for updates.