Nightfall Unlimited…the Podcast

10329130_10204357153628133_5542471051244486516_nIt is here, the Podcast you have all been waiting for, Nightfall Unlimited’s first ever podcast is available for download.

A little history before I share the link.

In 2012 we began Nightfall Unlimited and planned to talk “geek culture” and eventually have a podcast when we became larger and had a following.  The time is now and we are ready.  Here is the link to our podcast
So download and listen to Dr. Vanntastic(Josh), Rayzor(Ray), MechTodzilla(Todd), the Intricate Idiot(Rich) and Brett as we talk about a bunch of different topics.

The first episode is called PVC and Pantyhose.  Do I need to explain?  Enjoy!

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (100-91)

October must be my favorite month, I am posting for the second time today about Horror Films.  Before I go any further, I just wanted to give everyone a, well my backround and why I love horror so much.  A lot of people love it for different reasons, my brother loves horror, because I warped his fragile little mind with many viewings of movies like Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Pet Semetery.

My love dates back to 1985, I was 5 years old and my mother, she was 26, were watching movies on HBO and she fell asleep.  I do not waste an oppertunity like this, ever.  I do not remember what movie we were watching, but the late night movie was A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge.  My eyes were glued to the screen and I rememeber the next morning I told my mother all about Freddy Krueger.  I remember the horrorfied look on her face.  So the following weekend HBO did a double feature, both Nightmare movies.  I watched and my mom watched along with me.  Then she began to test me, bringing home movies like Re-animator and Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.  I could not get enough and that I just absorbed all the horror I could.  So I have been watching since 1985 and turned my brother on to it in 1990 when he was 2.  So that is my origin, there is much more, like when I got my license in 1996, a Hollywood Video rental store opened and they had $1 dollar rentals on all horror films.  My brother who was only 8 at the time would go up there and we would spend ten bucks and get our education in horror history.

I have always wanted to put together a list of my favorite horror films and last year my brother and I challenged ourselves to do a Top 50 list, well too many good ones were left off.  So we took it a step further and made it a Top 100 list.  This year I updated it and watched a lot of other horror films for research.  This is the final product, well the beginning of the final product.  So enjoy, disagree, comment or whatever you want.  Actually for any true horror fan out there reading this, I challenge you to make your own Top 50 list.  Post it on the Nightfall Unlimited Facebook page.  If I get any, I will post the best on  Just remember, these are films I have actually seen and it is all based on my opinion.  Now to the list. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films (100-91)”

Dark Knight Rises Midnight Premiere

This just in from our friends at Fantasy Books Inc.

Come join us and our friends at the Lincoln Theater in Belleville at midnight on July 20th(Thursday night/Friday morning) to watch the premier of the third and final chapter in Nolan’s “Dark Knight” series.   Continue reading “Dark Knight Rises Midnight Premiere”

Top 10 Arnold Schwarzenegger Films

Arnold is a bad ass, anyone who grew up in the 1980’s and 1990’s knows just how bad ass he really is.  We watched him take on a predator, try to kill John Connor and try to save John Connor, compete on a twisted game show and go to Mars.  So with the Expenables 2 coming out in August I have decided to make a few top 10 lists, starting with Arnold.  Whether or not you agree with my order, point is these movie are awesome and Arnold is a BAD MOFO! Continue reading “Top 10 Arnold Schwarzenegger Films”

Rayzor’s Reviews: Doomsday (2008)

Doomsday is a 2008 British science fiction film written and directed by Neil Marshall. The film takes place in the future. Scotland has been quarantined because of a deadly virus. When the virus is found in London, political leaders send a team led by Major Eden Sinclair (Rhona Mitra) to Scotland to find a possible cure. Sinclair’s team runs into two types of survivors: marauders and medieval knights. Doomsday was conceived by Marshall based on the idea of futuristic soldiers facing medieval knights. In producing the film, he drew from various cinema, including Mad Max and Escape from New York.  That is a short summary of what the movie is about, from wikipedia.

Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reviews: Doomsday (2008)”

2012 Summer Movie Preview

The summer is upon us and the summer movie scene is in full swing.  We finally got to see Marvel’s The Avengers in May and other movies like Battleship, Men in Black III, Snow White and the Huntsman and today Prometheus.  But we still have a couple more release’s this month untill a pretty big July.  I am going to post the things I am most looking forward to for this summer.  Everything from movies, video games and comics, it is gonna be a busy summer. Continue reading “2012 Summer Movie Preview”