Rayzor’s Review: Thor – The Dark World

thor-the-dark-world-poster1Phase 2 of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe started with the end of the Avengers and really with Iron Man 3.  I guess after each Avengers film will end each phase.  So in phase 1 we got Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011) and Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and of course Marvel’s The Avengers (2012).  So that means phase 2 will have Iron Man 3 (2013), Thor: the Dark World (2013), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and of course Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015).  But I think one of the cooler things, phase 3 actually starts right after the second Avengers film with Ant-man coming three months later.  Ok, I guess that is the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this is about THOR! Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: Thor – The Dark World”

Comics of 2003: A Look Back

imagesCAEHTBLXWelcome back to 2003, 10 years ago.  This will be a look back at the year in comics, what were the big story lines, what books hit milestones, were canceled or premiered.  Looking back it seems somethings were not happening, but building towards some major story lines from 2004.  The biggest would be from the pages of Batman, Hush, it started in 2002, but every issue came in 2003.  I nearly skipped this year due to the fact not much happened.  Although one ground breaking book did arrive towards the end of the year and it is one that is still running strong and has now a huge fan base, but I will get to that soon. Continue reading “Comics of 2003: A Look Back”

Comics of 1993: A Look Back

Bane-Breaking-BatmanThis is the first of a few posts about 20 years ago and to follow 10 years ago.  This may be only fun for me, but I know there might be a few of you that enjoy taking a look back.  I chose comic books first, mostly because I have a hard time remembering what happened in certain years, some storylines end up going from one year into another.  But here are some key moments that did happen in 1993, some big things.  I will not go into small things, mostly major events or what was major to me anyway. Continue reading “Comics of 1993: A Look Back”

Rayzor’s Review: Hawkeye

It has been a while since I have written anything about comics, but after reading the first four issues of the newest Hawkeye comic written by Matt Fraction.  I was told abou this book not long ago but could not find the first two issues.  Today I walked into my local shop, Fantast Books Belleville, I saw new copies, by the way, it is the third printing of the comic.  Not many books get the chance to have a third printing, both issues.  But this book seems to be popular, I can see why.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: Hawkeye”

Rayzor’s Review: Batman: Cacophony and Daredevil: Guardian Devil

I am a big fan of the Kevin Smith movies, Clerks, Mallrats and Dogma are my favorites.  I watch Comicbook Men on AMC and love every minute of the show.  I have seen the brilliant An Evening with Kevin Smith(both).  But I never really checked out his comic book submissions.  He has a lot of books under his belt and I wanted to see if he was able to move past the silly nature of most of his movies and use the already established characters the way the are known.  So I went out to my favorite comic book shop Fantasy Books Belleville and bought a couple of Trade Paper Backs.  As I have always been a big time Batman fan I went with Cacophony and I do love Daredevil and I heard about Guardian Devil from a friend.  So here we go. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: Batman: Cacophony and Daredevil: Guardian Devil”