Spider-man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

spiderman spiderman logo 1920x1080 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_68When the deal was announced, I was pretty excited, even if the biggest Spider-man fan I know was being a turn about the announcement.  Since then, there have been rumors galore, who will be Spider-man, I have heard it will be Peter Parker and now there is the rumor of Sony wanting to have an ethnic Spider-man.  This is kinda bizarre to me, mostly due to the fact that Peter Parker has been Spidey for so many years, the fans know him more than any other, so why bother trying to introduce a different Spider-man.  They have said, the origin will be skipped this time, so again, it should be Peter Parker, we all know his origin. Continue reading “Spider-man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe”

Rayzor’s Reviews: Big Hero 6

Big_Hero_6_film_posterSurprise!  Big Hero 6 was a fun film to go see.  It is 100% percent and perfect for this holiday season to take the family.  I went with wife and son and we all had a great time watching the film.

Big Hero 6 is extremely loosely based on a Marvel comic of the same name.  The film version is written by Man of Action, who some may know writes Ben 10 and a lot of the Marvel animated series, like the Mighty Avengers and Ultimate Spider-man.  It was very well written and can across on screen amazingly.  There is a lot of simple comedy that keeps you going and the really no slow or dead spots. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reviews: Big Hero 6”

9 Marvel Cinematic Release Dates Announced


A lot of news has come out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe today.  Well yesterday it was announced that Benedict Cumberbatch had been announced as Doctor Strange for the upcoming film.  Now that may not be true, but there was a press conference today with some really great announcements coming to Marvel in the next 5 years.  We all know about the Avengers: Age of Ultron coming in May of 2015 and Ant Man to follow, but there is so much more coming in phase 3 of the cinematic universe. Continue reading “9 Marvel Cinematic Release Dates Announced”

Captain America 3: Civil War?

Bz20D6vCIAAJWCyApparently, Robert Downey Jr is gearing up to play Tony Stark/Iron Man in Captain America 3 and it is to lead to the Civil War in the next Avengers film?  It has been strange lately. Robert Downey Jr. has said Iron Man 4 is a go and then turning that on its head and said the super hero comic book films are getting old.  Well he is just throwing all kinds of curve balls apparently.

This story just broke from Variety not long ago, Robert Downey Jr. to Join ‘Captain America 3′ (EXCLUSIVE).  If this is the case, it could lead to even bigger things to come.  Most of us thought after Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers Age of Ultron, the next Avengers film would be about the Infinity Gauntlet and a war with Thanos.

So read the link and join the conversation, Civil War makes sense the way things have gone down and it feels like it could last over multiple films.

Oh and it looks like Sony and Marvel may come to some kind of agreement with bringing Spider-man in the fold, hmmm…things are getting interesting.

This image is from the NYCC, Marvel will be doing another Civil War?  I am so confused and spent from the night.

Finally a Deadpool Film in 2016

Deadpool-leaked-test-footageLooks like the Deadpool footage that came out a couple months back had a lot of impact.  In 2016 we are finally going to get a a full length Deadpool film.  The comics are wildly popular and terrific.  20th Century Fox is finally doing something good for us fans.  Now, do not screw it up.

So, this is the new to be exact, 20th Century Fox has announced they are moving forward with the film and have given it a February 12, 2016 release date, just three months before the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse. Ryan Reynolds is expected to star with director Tim Miller at the helm and a script by Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Continue reading “Finally a Deadpool Film in 2016”

And Now a New Captain America

Bst7rv7CAAAn15WThis is great, these are changes I can live with.  I was never a big fan of making changes like this, but hey it could work.  I am a big Steve Rogers fan, but seriously how many stories can you tell and who better to take the mantle of Captain America than Sam Wilson, a good friend of Cap.  Sam Wilson, years ago did take over, I think when Steve Rogers was Nomad, but this is apart of a bigger deal.  I look forward to the changes with Cap and Thor.  Seems like the Avengers is getting an entire new team.

I wonder how many fan boys are going to boycott Marvel with the news yesterday and today.

My issue with this, it is like Captain Falcon, he seems to still have his wings.  Again, I will wait and seen and for some reason this feels like a great time to jump into Marvel, well this October anyway. Continue reading “And Now a New Captain America”

A Female Thor?

thor-001_coverEarlier today a couple of concept pictures of the female Thor hit the interent and it has been all I have seen all day.  So I figured I would put my two cents in.

Marvel announced on The View Tuesday morning that a woman will take up Thor’s hammer.  They went on to say, it isn’t Lady Thor, She-Thor or Thorita, but now, Marvel’s Thor.  So I guess we will see.

When I first saw the pictures, I thought maybe he lost Mjolnir or became not worthy of wielding Mjolnir and she became the worthy and gained the power of Thor.  I don’t know and I am interested in seeing what happens.  The comics hit in October and will be written by Jason Aaron with art from Russell Dauterman.  So I don’t know about everyone else, but I am interested.  She looks bad-ass!  I love the helmet.

Part of me wonders if the idea came from so many costumers and cosplayers doing the female versions of our favorite heroes and doing it well.  Either way, I think this could be cool.

To my fanboy friends out there, relax, lets see what they do with it and hey if it fails, the could go back to the regular, male version of Thor. Continue reading “A Female Thor?”