Nightfall Unlimited’s Top 50 Superhero Films

Throughout July we did the countdown, so here we have the complete list.  I would love to know where these films rank on everyone else’s lists.  We actually broke down the films into categories and combined out scores to come up with the order.  Also, if I had to add Guardians of the Galaxy to this list, Green Hornet would fall off the list and I would place Guardians of the Galaxy around number 18 or 19. So here is the complete list.

Continue reading “Nightfall Unlimited’s Top 50 Superhero Films”

First Look at Henry Cavill – Batman v. Superman

Click the picture to make it bigger.  I love this costume and to see Henry Cavill beefed up a bit.  The costume looks to possibly be brighter and they did make some minor changes to the a few things.

The picture below is a fan manipulation putting them both together.


Continue reading “First Look at Henry Cavill – Batman v. Superman”

Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor and Jeremy Irons is Alfred Pennyworth

batman_superman_logo_2463_north_626xThis new broke hours ago today.

The postponed Superman/Batman film has added new members, finally Lex Luthor has been cast.  This should be a good thing, right?  Alfred, Batman’s trusted friend and butler has also been cast.  Since the Man of Steel, Zack Snyder has casted against the usual prototype for the iconic characters, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Lawrence Fishburne as Perry White.  I don’t particularly care about Perry White, but lets face it, in the comics he is white.  Amy Adams, does not fit the comic book version of her character and I personally do not like or think Amy Adams is a good actress and I did not like her as Lois.

I have seen some bad casting in my day, Heath Ledger prooved us wrong when he was casted as Joker and Michael Keaton as Batman.  Both really owned the role they played.  So, today Jesse Eisenberg has been cast as Lex Luthor, this upsets me.  I mentioned today that he is the male version of Kristin Stewart, a terrible one dimensional character who comes off in every role as a pretentious douche bag.  I hate him and vowed never to watch another film with him in the cast.  But I guess I have to wait and see.  I was against the idea of Brian Cranston being cast as Lex Luthor, now I wish it was him. Continue reading “Jesse Eisenberg is Lex Luthor and Jeremy Irons is Alfred Pennyworth”

10 Memorable Articles from 2013


These are really in no particular order, but I went through the entire year and these seemed to be a few that really stuck out to me.  You all know me to do 10 lists, but I couldn’t decide this time.  Which do you like the best, you decide?  Continue reading “10 Memorable Articles from 2013”

Does the Superman/Batman film have a title?

batman_vs_supermanThere has been major confusion over the title for Batman vs Superman the sequel to Man of Steel. Since it was announced at San Diego Comic Con in July it has been called Batman vs Superman on most news websites or as I call it Superman/Batman or Batman/Superman.  I have never accepted the Batman vs Superman title or that it would end up being the title.  I also feel the film may have changed with the possible additions of Nightwing and maybe Wonder Woman.  The last two days I have seen all over the internet that WB has registered some new domain names that may give us some hints to the actual title…That being said, here is a list of the title connected to the domain names.  Some are utter crap and make it seem like the film will still have the Batman vs Superman theme and with these titles it will be more of a Man of Steel sequel than I expected.  All of this could be just to throw everyone off, or could it be true.  Either way, which of these do you like the best?  These are listed as I like them, like I said some are crap.  Continue reading “Does the Superman/Batman film have a title?”

Ben Affleck is Batman for the Batman/Superman Film

batman_vs__superman_by_jim_leeSo it is not a rumor…I actually was on board for Karl Urban, but not Warner has casted Ben Affleck.  I know there are millions of fanboys crying out in anger and frustration.  There are people out there saying Christian Bale is Batman or Josh Brolin would be better.  Well how will we know?  All I know I am glad the guessing games are over and this does officially end Christian Bales run as Batman.  So I know I have many friends who wonder about how I feel.  As you all may know by now, Batman is sacred to me, my favorite super hero of them all.  I guard the casting of Batman very closely, I was mostly not impressed with anyone who was rumored at all and I am very happy we did not get a Bale clone, Michael Fassbender(who I love) has a similar and far from Bruce Wayne look.  There are many fans who were calling out Magneto and he is great but no Batman.  I did like the idea of the young actor from the Teen Wolf show, Tyler Hoechlin, but only if we were getting a full reboot and it was a Batman Year One situation. Continue reading “Ben Affleck is Batman for the Batman/Superman Film”

Rayzor’s Review: The Man of Steel

101027226_18731_1367677271543_oFinally, the Man of Steel.  I went to a midnight show at the historic Lincoln Theater in downtown Belleville, Il.  It really is a fun place to see a film, they have recently upgraded most of the equipment,  Ok enough plugging, well no hold on, the show was sponsored by Fantasy Books Inc. this is my local comic book shop, so remember if your in my area, three local locations check the site  The store manager asked trivia questions and handed out prizes before the film, it was a fun event.

Now that is out of the way on to the film.  It was good, no it was great.  I was really impressed with the film as a whole, maybe it is because the origin story is not long and drawn out, it was handled in memories.  Rather than sitting thru the complete origin from Krypton to Smallville to Metropolis.  It bounced around and there was a good amount of action.  Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: The Man of Steel”

Rayzor’s Thoughts on the Man of Steel and DC Films Future

man-of-steel-poster-finalYeah, I am up to my old gripes again remember before The Dark Knight Rises was released last year I did a write up about my thought of the  film, you can read it here  But this time I will be less negative due to the fact I am loving everything I have seen for the Man of Steel.  But I have been thinking for days on end what is next for the DC films.  I will begin with talking about the upcoming Man of Steel film. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Thoughts on the Man of Steel and DC Films Future”

Happy Birthday Superman!

23tpietToday April 18th, 75 years ago, Superman made is debut in Action Comics #1.  I just wanted to take the moment from all of us at Nightfall Unlimited to say thank you.  Thank you DC Comics, Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel for creating a great superhero, really the superhero who brought on a new age of comics and heroes.  Regardless of if you have ever read a comic or seen a movie, more than likely you know who Superman is, right.  Just in case. Continue reading “Happy Birthday Superman!”