Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (2000-2013)

movie-high-tension-high-tension-wallpaper-high-tension-posters_800x600_22825Here we are, we have come to the end of the Top 10 Horror Film per decade. This is gonna be different, we are currently in a newer decade and only a couple of years in, so this will be 2000-2013. I know there are so many horror films produced in the last 3 years alone but in the top 100 list there are only a hand full from the last 13 years. It seem to be all about quantity, not quality and on my list I have a couple of quality films. So let us move on to the list.
Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (2000-2013)”

Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise

bannerIf you opened this post and thought I would do a list from the worst to the best Halloween film, well you call know me too well. Again as we march ever so slowly toward October and well the best holiday ever, Halloween, I wanna talk horror films. I have talked in length about the Friday the 13th franchise and I figures I should take a stab at Halloween. Halloween after all is where it all began for me when I was a kid. Well it was actually Halloween II, but either way, my life was changed.
So here we are again, I am making another list and this is not the last.  But you all know by now, I am a sucker for a good list.  So let me go ahead and mention, there will be no talk of the dreadful Rob Zombie films or Halloween III: Season of the Witch.  Actually, I will mention the original plan was to make a bunch of different Halloween films and not extend Michael Myers, Halloween and Halloween II were supposed to be the only Michael Myers Halloween films, the series was to be an anthology.  Halloween III: Season of the Witch has a bunch of cliché moments in the film, but I do find it a little entertaining.  I remember the first time I saw it, I kept asking when is Michael Myers going to show up?  So now you know I am keeping out the worst three films, if you must add them it would be a top ten list so here… Continue reading “Rayzor’s Reflections: Halloween Film Franchise”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1950s – 1960s)

night3This is the second installment of Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films.  This list will cover the 1950s and the 1960s.  You may ask why I decided to cover two decades.  If you do research in horror films produced by decade you will see that it grows every year.  The 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were more about quality over quantity.  In the 10 years between 1950 – 1959 there were 119 horror films made, in 2010 – 2013 214 were released.  Not to mention the 1970s and the 1980s horror films really took off, check out these charts thanks to www.popmatters.com.  These are really interesting numbers.  It must be easy to make a horror film these days. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1950s – 1960s)”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1930s – 1940s)

20130819-142611.jpgToday is a day I need to take my mind off of real life for a bit. I generally do not like to take about my personal life, but as I am sitting the waiting room in the hospital, I need a relief for a little. For this who don’t know, my wife is undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumor. So positive thoughts all around, she is also prego with my second child. But I will be strong and refrain from details.

Now comes the moment I explain myself and what this countdown is about. Well recently I finished the 2013 Top 100 Horror Films, coming in October. So I broke down the list into decades and with the lack of films from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, I merged the four decades into two lists. So here we go with the first of 6 lists leading up to October and the 31 Days of Horror.

Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1930s – 1940s)”

Best 5 Horror Film Remakes

imagesCA3VENMSA few days ago I posted  the top 5 worst horror film remakes.  I promised the list of the top 5 best horror film remakes so this is going to be that list.  Again, I did keep it in the modern era, I consider to be 1998 to present.

Films you will not see on either list are such as The Blob (1988), the Fly (1986) or Village of the Damned (1995).  The reason, the Fly is probably THE best horror remake of all time.  I will also not allow any foreign horror film remakes like The Grudge (2004), The Ring (2002), or Dark Water (2005) for the most part I did not like any of the anyway.  I see these films made for American audiences who are lazy and do not want to “read movies”.  As always this is my opinion and my list please feel free to post your lists also.  Two films I will say are terrible and not on the list, The Fog (2005) and When a Stranger Calls (2006).  I only wish I could add the Crazies (2010) to this list.  I have not seen it to date, I have seen the original.  My reasoning, the originals were pretty awful anyway, so it makes sense the remakes were bad.  I know this is a copy, but I was just going to repeat myself. Continue reading “Best 5 Horror Film Remakes”

Worst 5 Horror Film Remakes

OMEN666THRThe question is, is there a best horror film remake?  If so what is the best of all of the horror remakes.  After I saw the remake of Evil Dead those questions sprang to mind and I began to do some research and watch a few of these remakes.  So I broke it down to two lists, the top 5 best and top 5 worst horror film remakes.  But I did keep it in the modern era, I consider to be 1998 to present.

Films you will not see on either list are such as The Blob (1988), the Fly (1986) or Village of the Damned (1995).  The reason, the Fly is probably THE best horror remake of all time.  I will also not allow any foreign horror film remakes like The Grudge (2004), The Ring (2002), or Dark Water (2005) for the most part I did not like any of the anyway.  I see these films made for American audiences who are lazy and do not want to “read movies”.  As always this is my opinion and my list please feel free to post your lists also.  Two films I will say are terrible and not on the list, The Fog (2005) and When a Stranger Calls (2006).  My reasoning, the originals were pretty awful anyway, so it makes sense the remakes were bad. Continue reading “Worst 5 Horror Film Remakes”

Rayzor’s Review: V/H/S

VHSI am not talking about the video format before DVD, no not at all.  This is a review for a first film that may crack Rayzor’s Top 100 list for this year.  This is two of my favorite horror subgenre’s of late.  Well one is a sub genre the other is a…format.  The film is set up as a found footage film and it is all put together in a horror anthology.  This is a very cool movie that, I think gets better with each segment.  So that is how I will review the film, by segment. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: V/H/S”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #1 The Exorcist

Yes, I am sure everyone figured it out before this post went up.  It is hard to top a movie the still gives me issues, especially after I watch it.  Regardless of how many times I have seen this film, it still gives me the creeps.  I know back in the 1970’s when it was released, people passed out, some theatres passed out “Exorcist barf bags”.  There were rumors of subliminal imagery, so many alegations came from this movie.  I honeslty do not even think I need to say much about it, it is one of the best horror films ever.  Actually according to my countdown, it is the best.

So, I am going to let the movie speak for itself, it is great and I believe everyone must respect this film.  It has scared the hell out of a lot of people over the years and continues to do so.  So I am going to get back to my Halloween and horror films.  Thank you all for tuning in here for the entire month of October for the 31 Days of Horror and Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films.  It was fun and I am sure the list will change next year.  Don’t forget, it does not have to Halloween to enjoy horror, watch it often, it is a great art form and it keeps your heart racing.

Check back with us soon as we turn the calender to November where things are probably going to change a little bit Nightfall.

Happy Halloween!

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #4 Halloween

The night he came home.  This is one of the most popular and possible one of the  most important horror films to date.  Of course it is not the first of the slasher genre, but it really helped put the genre out in the main stream.  It also paved the way for films like Friday the 13th, April Fools Day and A Nightmare on Elm Street to name a few, the list is very large.  Not to mention Scream almost 2 decades later.  That is the effect Halloween had on the structure of horror.  If Halloween never was made, horror would not be what it is today.  I believe there are certain points in horror, certain movies that are so important to horror that were game changers and Halloween was one.  The others are Franenstein (1931), Godzilla(1954), Night of the Living Dead(1968) and Halloween(1978), all of these movies restarted horror films, changed the face of horror. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #4 Halloween”

Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #5 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This is the first movie to ever really get to me.  It was terrifying, from the moment the kids pick up the hitchiker to the very end when Leatherface is going crazy spinning around waving his chainsaw.  This is a horror film, it still effects people to this day.  It is loosely based on, Ed Grin, serial killer, Wisconsin the 1950’s.  But really the only thing that is similar is what is going on in the house, the bone furniture, the canibalism and the killing. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 100 Horror Films #5 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”