Rayzor’s Retro Review – Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi

Return_of_the_jedi_oldThis if the final review of the Star Wars films and it has been a great time looking back on what could be my favorite film series of all time.  Of course, we are finally in the year when we will get a new Star Wars film, 2015.  I hate that it is coming in December when all the other films were released in May, not to mention all around my birthday. Now, I have to wait for, damn near Christmas, argh!

Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Star War Episode III- Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope

Star Wars Epidode V – The Empire Strikes Back

This year we are going to finally see the follow up to the original trilogy with Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens.  I am pretty excited and over the past couple of weeks, I have watched and now I am reviewing the Star Wars saga.

This came out my third birthday and from what my mom had told me, I was there with her.  It is hard to imagine seeing any Star Wars film for the first time after growing up with them.  I feel lucky and but at the same time, I wish I could go in from Episode I and see them all in order all over again. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Retro Review – Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi”

Chris Pratt for Indiana Jones?

untitled-119912Well, there is a been a few mumbles about the future of Indiana Jones since the 2008 release of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which seems to be hated by so many.  Check out our first try Nightfall Unlimited at War, which we discuss Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Continue reading “Chris Pratt for Indiana Jones?”

Rayzor’s Retro Review – Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

Star-Wars-The-Empire-Strikes-Back-1980-Style-A-by-Roger-KastelThe Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars film.

We finally got through the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars Saga and it seemed like it took forever.  Finally it is time to celebrate the Original Trilogy and its greatness.  You can check out the prequel trilogy posts below.

Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Star War Episode III- Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars Episode IV – A New Hope

This year we are going to finally see the follow up to the original trilogy with Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens.  I am pretty excited and over the past couple of weeks, I have watched and now I am reviewing the Star Wars saga.

When I was younger, this was my least favorite of the three Star Wars films, let me finish.  It was the most available at the time and then came Return of the Jedi and I watched the last two so much.  I always wanted to watch Star Wars, A New Hope and it was pretty much my favorite for a long time.  That was before I realized how amazing the story was in Empire Strikes Back.  You see as a kid you do not watch movies for the story.  But sometime in the early 1990s the films were on tv and I watched them all back to back and it had been years.  I saw the story unfold as if I had never seen the series before.  It was amazing!  Everything made more sense to me and cleared up a lot of questions I had growing up, I felt, oh so good.  It was only then, I realized Empire was my favorite by far and I found how much I loved Han Solo and Obi Wan. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Retro Review – Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back”

Rayzor’s Retro Review – Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope

star_wars_ver2This film shares a birthday with me, although Star Wars was released in 1977, I was born in 1980 on the same day, May 25th.  Oddly enough, four days after the Empire Strikes Back was released.

We finally got through the prequel trilogy of the Star Wars Saga and it seemed like it took forever.  Finally it is time to celebrate the Original Trilogy and its greatness.  You can check out the prequel trilogy posts below.

Star Wars Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones

Star War Episode III- Revenge of the Sith

This year we are going to finally see the follow up to the original trilogy with Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens.  I am pretty excited and over the past couple of weeks, I have watched and now I am reviewing the Star Wars saga.

I have never had the chance to talk about the original films.  I hold them so close to my heart, growing up through the 1980s I think most of us were shown Star Wars.  I mean the films were known as Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.  Now it is Episode IV or A New Hope or both for that matter.  Either way or whatever way, it is Star Wars.

As we all know, Star Wars picks up 19 years after the events of Revenge of the Sith or 28 years before.  Luke Skywalker is just a farm boy and the Empire has captured Princess Leia.  Eventually we meet the rest of the gang, Obi wan Kenobi, Han Solo and Chewbacca.  The go after Princess Leia to rescue her for the rebellion.  But, Darth Vader and the Death Star stands in their way. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Retro Review – Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope”