Top 100 Horror Films of All-time: 2014 Edition (25 – 1)

dawn-of-the-deadOctober is coming to an end and Nightfall Unlimited, 31 Days of Horror and a new Top 100 Horror films are finishing up today.

Of course we did it differently this year and it made for an interesting list this year.  First off I want to thank everyone involved in bringing you this list, along with our own  Richie(Intricate Idiot) and the Artist still known as Jane Bush.  It was a lot of fun and with the people who were involved in bringing this list, I got to learn more about these people and see what they have or not have seen.  Jane, Richie and I need to have horror Tuesday or something.

This year I broke every horror film into sub-genres and we rated each film 1 – 10 in 5 categories.  Each sub-genre has different categories and that was the purpose for breaking them up.  Then we added the scores and got an average.  I then took everyone’s average and added them together and divided by how many ranked the films and came up with the 1 -10 score.  Then it took me forever to place the 150 films in place.  This is what we came up with, well the first 25 anyway, look for three more posts coming later this month and the top 25 on Halloween, so enjoy this little taste.   Remember when you see a number like this (95), that is where the film fell last year.

Here we go with the top 25 Horror Films of all-time, well according to the Nightfall Unlimited panel. Continue reading “Top 100 Horror Films of All-time: 2014 Edition (25 – 1)”

31 Days of Horror: Monster Icons – Jason Voorhees

31dohmonsters2jason It is odd, I have done so much about Jason and the Friday the 13th series on this website, I am not sure what else there is to say.  I even talked about the series being a go to horror film on the podcast.  So here are some articles we have featured here on Nightfall Unlimited about Friday the 13th. Friday the 13th Body Count– Jason’s is 158 Top 10 Friday the 13th Films  Jason is one of the scariest monsters on this list, mostly because he is seemingly an unstoppable force and no matter how hard you try, Jason never dies.  At the end of Jason X, he was left floating out in space, “he is out there.” I always fantasied about writing a Friday the 13th sequel that would ignore, even if I am against ignoring films, well take place before Jason Goes to Hell.  I think this still could happen.  The remake was very cool, but at the same time who knows what is going to happen in the future.  There has been talk about a new film and a television series with Jason.  I would just prefer more sequels that happen after Jason takes Manhattan.  But of course, I am writing this rather than a script for Friday the 13th IX – Return to Camp Blood. And, I think I rambled enough, I think to night I will watch the Tommy Jarvis Trilogy, so break these films out and watch along with me.  Friday the 13th – the Final Chapter, A New Beginning and Jason Lives, my favorite.

Top 100 Horror Films of All-time: 2014 Edition(100-76)


You had to know this was coming, yeah that is right.  It is October and you can always remember two things that happen on Nightfall Unlimited, 31 Days of Horror and a new Top 100 Horror films.  Of course we did it differently this year and it made for an interesting list this year.  First off I want to thank everyone involved in bringing you this list, along with our own  Richie(Intricate Idiot) and the Artist still known as Jane Bush.  It was a lot of fun and with the people who were involved in bringing this list, I got to learn more about these people and see what they have or not have seen.  Jane, Richie and I need to have horror Tuesday or something.

This year I broke every horror film into sub-genres and we rated each film 1 – 10 in 5 categories.  Each sub-genre has different categories and that was the purpose for breaking them up.  Then we added the scores and got an average.  I then took everyone’s average and added them together and divided by how many ranked the films and came up with the 1 -10 score.  Then it took me forever to place the 150 films in place.  This is what we came up with, well the first 25 anyway, look for three more posts coming later this month and the top 25 on Halloween, so enjoy this little taste.   Remember when you see a number like this (95), that is where the film fell last year. Continue reading “Top 100 Horror Films of All-time: 2014 Edition(100-76)”

10 Memorable Articles from 2013


These are really in no particular order, but I went through the entire year and these seemed to be a few that really stuck out to me.  You all know me to do 10 lists, but I couldn’t decide this time.  Which do you like the best, you decide?  Continue reading “10 Memorable Articles from 2013”

Friday the 13th Series Body Count

I try every time friday the 13th comes up.  I always want to write a post about the legendary film series, yes legendary. Look if a film series can spawn 11 sequels and a remake, it is legendary in my book. Only one movie away from 13 film, movie series.  This time I figured I would try and tackle the body count of the series, including Mrs. Voorhees. I have seen many pictures, posts and other things on the Internet about the timeline and body count of Jason Voorhees. I decided to break it down per film and give my favorite kill from each Friday the 13th film. When I say break down, I mean how many kills are performed, I will not get I to who and how, just the sheer number and my favorite kills, morbid much?  On with the list, yep another list, you know me and my lists. Get the Friday the 13th series on Blu ray here and Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History Of Friday The 13th here.

Remember, I sat down and watched every single movie, with a pen and paper to document kills.  Who killed who and how they died.  It was a long process and turned out to be a lot of fun.  Soon, I will do one for the Halloween franchise and possible A Nightmare on Elm Street.  It would give me good reason to watch the series again, like I need a reason.  These are my favorite horror series, as I grew up with them.
Continue reading “Friday the 13th Series Body Count”

Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1980s)

horror-movie-poster-lettering-1984-nightmare-on-elm-streetWe are inching closer and closer to October, Halloween stores are popping all over the place, I have noticed and abundance of ghost story shows popping up all over television.  You know how people are excited with the build up to Thanksgiving and then Christmas, this is how I feel about October and Halloween.  I was able to watch a few horror films this weekend, nothing big, Friday the 13th VII and VII and Halloween II and Halloween 4.  So yeah I am getting prepared.

Anyway welcome back to Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror films by decade.  This time it is the second biggest decade for horror, the 1980s.  I wanted to take a minute to mention the way horror changed in the 1980s.  I consider the 1980s the decade of the sequels.  A series would start and a slew of sequels would follow.  We did see this in the 1930s and 1940s but not to this extreme.  In 1980s the Friday the 13th series was launched and nearly every year after we saw a new Friday the 13th, with the exception of 1983 and 1987.  From 1984-1989 we saw five A Nightmare on Elm Street films.  Of course there were many more and most lacked the quality of the series I mentioned.  Honestly there were many films that did not need a sequel and rebirths of other franchises.  The 1980s also gave us some of the craziest horror films ever and what I consider the greatest zombie movie made. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Top 10 Horror Films (1980s)”

SDCC Exclusive: Video Game Jason Voorhees Action Figure

511491-friday1This is video game based on the popular Horror Film franchise of the same name.  It was released in 1989 by LJN which are notorious for releasing awful games.  A lot of people have memories of this game, I played with my brother a lot over the years.  It is strange, we owned it, but I do not remember how we ended up with the game.  I always felt like it was an endurance competition.  My brother is the only one I know to have completed the game, of my friends.  The Angry Video Game Nerd did a great review of the game explaining my frustrations with the game and he even had a special guest,  Do yourself a favor and check it out. Continue reading “SDCC Exclusive: Video Game Jason Voorhees Action Figure”

Best 5 Horror Film Remakes

imagesCA3VENMSA few days ago I posted  the top 5 worst horror film remakes.  I promised the list of the top 5 best horror film remakes so this is going to be that list.  Again, I did keep it in the modern era, I consider to be 1998 to present.

Films you will not see on either list are such as The Blob (1988), the Fly (1986) or Village of the Damned (1995).  The reason, the Fly is probably THE best horror remake of all time.  I will also not allow any foreign horror film remakes like The Grudge (2004), The Ring (2002), or Dark Water (2005) for the most part I did not like any of the anyway.  I see these films made for American audiences who are lazy and do not want to “read movies”.  As always this is my opinion and my list please feel free to post your lists also.  Two films I will say are terrible and not on the list, The Fog (2005) and When a Stranger Calls (2006).  I only wish I could add the Crazies (2010) to this list.  I have not seen it to date, I have seen the original.  My reasoning, the originals were pretty awful anyway, so it makes sense the remakes were bad.  I know this is a copy, but I was just going to repeat myself. Continue reading “Best 5 Horror Film Remakes”

31 Days of Horror: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter

After watching Saw last night, I feel like I need a little change of pace for tonights film.  How about a classic 1980’s slasher horror flick?  How about one that I have taked about recently in my Top 100 horror film list.  How about Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter?

As I mentioned this was supposed to actually be the final film.  But they went away from the crazy mongaloid in the woods to a super natural element.    The reason I love these movies, well there are too many to reasons, but I just love Jason.  He is the ultimate killing machine and it very tough to stop.  He is a no nonsense killer.  He doesn’t stalk you, get into your head and use one liners.  He tracks you down and does not waste time.  The stories are generally not very good, but it does not matter, the story is an after thought.  I don’t think when this was released people came out talking about the depth of the story.

Anyway this is what I am watching tonight, what are you going to watch?

Top 10 Friday the 13th Movies

I know, I know, I am a little late, but I am a busy man.

To try and think about making a top 10 list of the Friday the 13th movies is kinda silly, right?  Wrong, sure the movies are all similar but the different at the same time.  In this countdown I am going to exclude the 2009 remake and Freddy vs Jason.  So that is how we get the top 10, from the first movie all the way to Jason X.

I also noticed and I am sure it has been said before, but the first six movies are like two seperate trilogys.  The first of course all about Jason’s rise and the second his fall and the rise of Tommy Jarvis, then ultimatly Jasons return.

This was something I wanted to do for a while.  If you were on my facebook today, you might have seen a couple of comments from a friend named Craig.  Well since I posted my order on facebook, it has changed.  I actually put some deep thought into my list.  I actually surprised myself with the place of a few of the movies.  But I will let you see what I mean.  If you haven’t seen it yet, check out His Name was Jason.  It is a great documentry about the series and fun to watch for any fan.

Please sit back relax and pause your Friday the 13th marathon to read Rayzor’s latest top 10 list.  Top 10 Friday the 13th Movies.  Enjoy!  Oh yeah be warned, spoilers ahead, and if these are spoilers to you, just leave this page and start watching these movies.  Then you can come back.

Continue reading “Top 10 Friday the 13th Movies”