My Wife has Brain Cancer…Elizabeth Marek’s Journey

My wife, Elizabeth has Stage IV Glioblastoma with Pnet.

I’d like to start this off by saying, we have a donation site set up through Go Fund Me.  Click Go Fund Me to donate to the future of our family.

We have two children, now a boy, Reynolds who is now 7 and the other our daughter Helaina, nearly 3.  Elizabeth was diagnosed with a fist sized brain tumor in 2013 while pregnant with our second child.  She had headaches that made her vomit and she could not hold any food down.  Three times I took her to the ER and each time the hospital would give her Tylenol and fluids and send her home.  We requested an MRI multiple times, but they would not do an MRI. Continue reading “My Wife has Brain Cancer…Elizabeth Marek’s Journey”

I Found My Reason


Please visit Elizabeth’s Go Fund Me pager here and follow her progress on Facebook by liking her page here.  Please if you can help us and share her story.

I am not a perfect person, this is true, but I am lucky, I found my reason.  I found her in 2003.  Elizabeth and I started dating in late 2003, I will never forget how beautiful she was when I first saw her.  I was working at Toys r Us at the time and I was up on the over stock shelves and I saw her walk in the door.  She walked all the way over to where I was, to see her brother, who I worked with.  It wasn’t long before we started dating.  It was a lot of fun at first but when February 2004 came around, things got hard.  My mother passed away from liver cancer and I went to a dark place.  Elizabeth did all she could to keep things together, but I was in a bad place, so in August 2005, 10 years ago, we broke up with me.

There were so many reasons for the break-up.  I was not moving forward, I was not a very good boy friend and I know these things.  Time did feel like it stopped when my mom died and she was not the only victim in my dark reign.  After our break-up, I slipped deeper and deeper into a dark place.  I was drinking and hanging out with girls I had no business being around.  There were some good times in there, I had good friends trying to help me out of my darkness.  Edgar, Dan and Tony all did what they could to bring me back from perdition.  One day, I started to realize what was going on with me and figured it out.  I pulled my crap together and I knew what I had to do to get Elizabeth back. Continue reading “I Found My Reason”

Go Elizabeth! at Go Fund Me

Hey everyone!

Some of you may know the story of my wife Elizabeth and her battle with brain cancer, glioblastoma.  She is doing very well and working hard to kick cancer butt.  We started a donation campaign at Go Fund Me today,  I wrote a little about our situation back in 2013, it was shortly after everything happened.  You can read the article here GLIOBLASTOMA WITH PNET COMPONENT, STAGE IV, SUCKS!

But if you can find it in your heart, head over to Go Fund Me and check out our page and share it along and maybe even donate to our cause.  We have 2 children, 18 month little girl and my boy who will be turning 6 very soon.  We really would just like to be able to pay our bills, get past some of our debt and pay off all medical expenses.

Check it out and keep us in your prayers and send good vibes.  Please check it out and you can also follow Elizabeth and her progress on her Facebook page, Go Elizabeth, like the page and share with your friends, thank you!

Glioblastoma with pnet component, Stage IV, sucks!

To follow Elizabeth’s status you can like her Facebook page GO ELIZABETH, here and if you’d like to help us out and donate to our Go Fund Me page, click here.

I am pretty sure most of anyone who knows me knows my wife, Elizabeth had brain surgery in August of 2013.  The story, Elizabeth was diagnosed with a brain tumor, small tumor in 2010.  In 2013 Elizabeth was pregnant with our second child and we were doing well.  She was working full time and bringing home the bigger paycheck.  In June she began to have migraine headaches, the OB doctors said this was normal in pregnancy.  So we took this as prego problems.  The headaches did not stop, she began to miss work and was fired from her job in late July, even though she was covered under the FMLA.  Beginning of August my prego wife began having even more intense headaches and could not hold so much as water down without vomiting.  So I took her to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, to cut this short, 3 times over the course of 10 days.  The did nothing, didn’t check her head, sent her away with Tylenol and fluids.  Finally we took her to Memorial and they suggested we go to Barnes-Jewish in St. Louis.  After a long night and Elizabeth’s memory beginning to fade she was diagnosed with a very large brain tumor that needed to be taken care of immediately.

Being pregnant the doctors were uncertain of what to do, the offered to monitor the baby and if there were any complications, they could stop the surgery and deliver the baby.  She would have been 24 weeks and Elizabeth’s chances of survival were slim.  The other option is no monitor, check the baby after.  So I was left with this decision, I chose to not monitor the baby so they could concentrate on Elizabeth and get her taken care of.  Rather than something happen and bring a baby how could have tremendous health issues into the world.  Continue reading “Glioblastoma with pnet component, Stage IV, sucks!”

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is strange, I opened this blog to be angry about things, that, well anger me.  So far not much of that going on.  The last few months have been so difficult it is hard to be angry as much as I was pre-August.  Things have changed in my life and things will never, ever be the same.

I just wanted to take a minute to give a shout to the people and things I am thankful for.

Elizabeth, my love, I am thankful your still her and you brought me two terrific children and my family.  This year has been awful, but everyday I look at your face, you give me hope.  Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving!”