5 Reasons You Should be Reading Deathstroke

4169937-deathstroke+01When the DC comics launched the New 52, I was stoked, well not really, I have NOT been a fan of the New 52.  But Deathstroke the Terminator was getting his own book again and I was stoked about that book.  Well it came and really was not good at all.  He also got the New 52, “new look” treatment and it was not great, possibly the worst look that I have seen for Deathstroke, well Smallville had the worst adaptation of the character.  Oddly enough, Arrow’s is the most inaccurate to the comic, but Manu Bennett has done an amazing job at bringing Slade Wilson to life.  Not to mention Wintergreen and the costumes of Deathstroke in Arrow.

But this new book with Tony Daniel at the helm has turned out to be a great offering and seems to fit the character more than ever.  The character is seeing more popularity than ever, thanks in part to Arrow and the Batman Arkham Origins game.  If you have not played it, check out  Xbox 360 or PS3.  It seems costumers/cosplayers alike are coming up with new and interesting version of the character as he has also found a way into a few DC Universe animated features.  So now is the time for Deathstroke to once again have his own comic and be written and drawn by a top artist and a top writer, in my opinion anyway, Tony Daniel has produced really good to great work over the years. Continue reading “5 Reasons You Should be Reading Deathstroke”

Atom Suit Revealed for Arrow

downloadBrandon Routh once played Superman and when they announced he would be coming to Arrow, I was excited.  I was then a little disappointed in finding out he would play Ray Palmer, the Atom.  Not that I don’t like the Atom, he is a cool character, but Brandon Routh, to me still looks like Superman and could still play Superman if you ask me.  He was not the problem with Superman Returns.  He was not bad and would be a great Superman for the Arrow series and spin off into his own show, which since the Arrowverse and the DC Cinematic Universe’s are separate, why not have a friend competition.  I do have some theories about the “Arrowverse” and the building of a “League” of sorts. Continue reading “Atom Suit Revealed for Arrow”

Rayzor’s Review: The Flash Series Premiere

10451682_723536924405280_5719237645806582032_nAnyone remember the show, Smallville?  I loved Smallville, but it has been over for a few years now and it really feels like it is behind us now.  Smallville did introduce us to a couple of characters, I wanted to see more of, Oliver Queen and Bart Allen.  Well after one year, we got Oliver, a new Oliver in Stephen Amell in Arrow, which has turned out to be better than expected.  Also, Stephen Amell has turned out to be a real hero with all of his efforts to raise awareness and money in the fight against cancer, check out his Facebook page, click his name above.

As I was saying, Barry Allen was the Flash up until Crisis on Infinite Earth in 1986.  He came back a few years ago and now he has his own show.  The best part is, the Flash is a spin-off…Arrow, which is great because while Marvel is building a huge cinematic universe, DC is doing the same but with film and television.  Grant Gustin played Barry Allen in two episodes of Arrow to bring the Flash spin-off series.  Last night was the first episode and it was terrific. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: The Flash Series Premiere”

Supergirl Getting Her Own Show?

Supergirl2Looks like there is going to be a Supergirl show and it may come to the CW.  Greg Berlanti, who co-created and produced Arrow and the upcoming CW show The Flash, is teaming up with writer and producer Ali Adler, known from Chuck, to create a show based on the DC Comics heroine.  So that raised some questions in my head of course.

Supergirl or Kara Zor-El is the cousin of Kal El or Clark Kent or Superman.  So, if this show would fall into the Arrowverse, does that mean Superman exists within the Arrowverse.  Nightwing was teased last year a few times and it was thought we may see Dick Grayson show up.  It never happened, but it made me wonder if Batman exists in this universe.  That is what this news did to me.  It could open up an entire new world for the Arrowverse and keep it away from the DC cinematic universe. Continue reading “Supergirl Getting Her Own Show?”

The Arrow’s Roy Harper as Arsenal

984163_10152323206275808_3707179991931639141_nThis is great, I love that he has finally gotten a costume and it seems he could play a bigger role, which I have been looking forward to since he appeared in the show.  So for me this is terrific and I am excited.

I like this look, it has become obvious that you cannot wear a bright red on film and that is fine for this costume.  It looks like some of the elements from the Flash costume.  Which that is cool, it keep the two shows in the same universe.

I am really liking what in they are doing with this universe and everything is connecting.

I hope one day we will get to see Superman and Batman in the Arrowverse, is that a thing or did I…probably not.

Sources (EW)

Brandon Routh will be Ray Palmer in Arrow


Arrow has become very well known as a well written television show that follows the DC comics character Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow.  They are going into the third season and casting is heating up a little.  Season 1 we saw some interesting casting with Deathstroke, Deadshot, Huntress and the Dark Archer Malcolm Merlyn and in season 2 we saw a lot of cool casting and DC characters Kevin Alejandro as Sebastian Blood and Michael Jai White as Bronze Tiger, Ravager, but lets not forget about the rest of the Suicide Squad, Nyssa al Ghul and most importantly Grant Gustin as Barry Allen aka the Flash.  The casting has helped make the show what it is, not to mention smart and very entertaining writing.

The third season is getting close to filming and they have been casting new characters.  Some new and bigger DC comic book character names are coming to Arrow.  Now I don’t mean big names like Batman or Superman, but maybe the next tier down or maybe even the third tier, but still very cool characters that I am excited about seeing them, live action. Today an announcement caught my attention.  Brandon Routh, once Superman in Superman Returns, will play Ray Palmer.  Interesting choice, considering his build. Continue reading “Brandon Routh will be Ray Palmer in Arrow”

More of the DC Universe Coming to Television

the-flashHas anyone forgotten about Smallville yet?  I will never forget that show, it was pretty great and I know it did have its issues, it was pretty strong for 10 seasons.  But when Smallville left the air we got another DC super hero show, Arrow and I love Arrow, it really is a great show.  If further shows that DC can be alive on the small screen and do well.  Sometimes I just think about how good Arrow is and wonder why in hell is there not a weekly Batman show.

This season of Arrow has not disappointed, it has added more recongnizable characters from the DCU.  From Huntress to Count Vertigo in the first season and even Deathstroke, but season 2 we have already seen Bronze Tiger and Black Canary, they have mentions Ra’s al Ghul and in two episodes we will see Barry Allen aka the Flash.  This is exciting to me, of course Bart Allen was in Smallville, but Smallville was strict against costumes.  But we will see the Flash in more than one episode, well again Barry Allen and then he will get his own show next fall?  Also a film is supposed to be coming in 2016.  Some of this is pure rumor but I am excited just the same, I am a fan of Barry Allen or any Flash for that matter.  CW’s version of The Flash will NOT appear in costume during Arrow season 2; instead the character will get his costume and powers in a more traditional standalone pilot for his own series Continue reading “More of the DC Universe Coming to Television”

Rayzor’s Review: Arrow Season 1

arrow_novsweepsposter_600Normally I do not go into to depth on television shows, but this one really hit the spot.  All of my shows I have been watching for years have ended or this is the final season. Last season I wanted to watch Arrow, but other shows got in the way and not to mention work schedules.  But now that I have the show I will be as ready as I was when Smaillville came on.  This will not be too in depth, but I do want to add or expand on how I feel after watching the entire first season as I look forward to the second season starting in a just over a week. Continue reading “Rayzor’s Review: Arrow Season 1”

Arrow the TV Series

Stephen-Amell-as-Green-Arrow-2Finally I get to watch Arrow, the CW series based on the DC comic Green Arrow. I have always l’ve Green Arrow as a character and read plenty of his comics, mostly written by Judd Winick, Kevin Smith and Brad Meltzer. The comics are great and most of what I read deals with an older Oliver Queen in the later portion of his career. So the show is a change of pace, it is down in the same breathe of Smallville, which was popular and had it’s own Green Arrow, played by Justin Hartley. This is different, darker and Oliver is younger.  It is terrific, I really like this take, it does change things a little, but so did Smallville, it makes everything its own and that is fine with me.

Continue reading “Arrow the TV Series”