Best of Bond, James Bond: Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig - New James Bond movie Casino RoyaleSo this is the current version of James Bond, kind of a reboot the series.  They originally were going to go younger and well they did from Brosnan, but I thought it would be a Late-20’s or early 30’s Bond.  Henry Cavill, Superman, was up for Bond before Casino Royale, I think he was actually up for Superman for Superman Returns also, he ended up with a cooler film.

Well, that got off track.  I have said that each Bond had represented their time decade or time as Bond.  With Daniel Craig movies are gritter and more hard core, serious.  The stories are better written and of course the effects are terrific.  Brosnan really was a left over from the older Bond’s where his films were darker than Roger Moore, they were still campy.  In the Daniel Craig films we get a more down to earth and less campy James Bond.  But again, these films really represent this day and age in films. Continue reading “Best of Bond, James Bond: Daniel Craig”

Best of Bond, James Bond: Pierce Brosnan

james-bond-wallpaper-roger-mooreWe have gone through the first and we have now skipped over Lazenby and Dalton, but their day will come.  Just to be sure, there will be a post about Daniel Craig as Bond.  I decided to do these for the Bonds with at least three films.

I have a theory about Pierce Brosnan.  I started watching James Bond films shortly before he was cast as James Bond.  My step dad would always watch the films when TBS would air their, Movies for Guys who like Movies or their 10 Days of Bond.  Well one day I got home early from Baseball practice and TBS was on, Live and Let Die.  I loved watching it and then watched the rest of Roger Moore’s films.

Ok, back to my theory.  If you ever get the chance to see it, there is a great Documentary called Everything or Nothing, watch it.  The Documentary explains that during the filming of For Your Eyes Only, Brosnan was on set as he was dating one of the Bond girls.  Someone said that he would be the next Bond when Roger Moore stepped away.  Well, that was to come true as Remmington Steel ended, but the show got renewed at the last second and Brosnan was under contract so Dalton was cast.  Pierce Brosnan could have been Bond from 1987 to 2002 and possibly been a part of 9 Bond films.  Also, he could have been in better films, because well, lets face it they all go down hill hard and fast with each film.

For me, I will admit, I did enjoy these films with the exception of Die Another Day.  I do think Pierce was a decent James Bond and could have been the best with an earlier start.  Nothing against Timothy Dalton. Continue reading “Best of Bond, James Bond: Pierce Brosnan”

Best of Bond, James Bond: Roger Moore

latestHere we go with the second part of my James Bond movie countdown.  This time I will look at the Roger Moore films.  There is a great debate among James Bond fans, who is the best?  While a lot of newcomers can only say, Daniel Craig, I challenge you all to watch all of Roger Moore’s films.  Yes they are cheesy, but he was the Bond of the 70s and half of the 1980s, the more innocent part of the 1980s.

But he has registered some of the better films overall and there is something about his sauve Bond.  At first you can tell he tries to almost mimic Connery, until the Spy Who Loved Me, he really took Bond and made the character his own.  Roger Moore could be my favorite James Bond.   Continue reading “Best of Bond, James Bond: Roger Moore”

Best of Bond, James Bond: Sean Connery

Sean-Connery-EST-James-Bond_portrait_w858When the news of the next Bond film was to be called Spectre, I got excited.  I did something, to me that was unprecedented.  I sat and watched all 23 James Bond films, from Dr. No to Skyfall, one a night for 20 nights.  Well, I watched all the Brosnan films on Christmas day.

After Skyfall came out, I did a big post about the Bond films and the best Bond, Best and Worst, check it out here.  This time after watching every film, I ranked them to find out which is truly the best Bond film, so this will be a big post, possibly 5 separate parts, with this being part one and it will follow the Sean Connery films.  Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig will all get their own post, while Timothy Dalton and George Lazenby That means we will also rank the Sean Connery films and only the Eon films, not Never Say Never Again from 1983.

We know Connery as the first Bond and he did not get treated the best and left the role with a bad taste.  He did come back for one more film and then of course he did the non Eon remake of the Thunderball, Never Say Never Again.  I will count down Connery’s worst to best film as James Bond. Continue reading “Best of Bond, James Bond: Sean Connery”

James Bond Films: What is the Best and Worst?

First I want to apologize for the lack of posts for the past couple of weeks.  Things have been pretty crazy, not to mention Assassins Creed III was released at the end of October.

With Skyfall coming out this month, it is time explore the James Bond films and why not?  There have been so many James Bond films, girls, villains and well James Bonds.  The questions always come up, Who is the best James Bond, or what is the best Bond film?  Well I have answers, but the only thing is, do you agree.  One thing I will have to say, when the question comes up about who is the best, I think it should be anwered, with asking which movie.  There are some movies that are great, but you may have wanted to see a different Bond in them.  I think it is safe to say the majority of people chose Sean Connery as there favorite Bond.  But what is his best film?  That is an interesting question in itself.  I will answer these questions today, but again these are my opinions.  Continue reading “James Bond Films: What is the Best and Worst?”