Star Wars the Force Awakens and So have I

2000px-Star_Wars_Logo.svgThe new Star Wars the Force Awakens trailer hit today and with the simple words, “Chewie, we’re home.”  I felt like I was at home and I was in tears.  I have watched the trailer, nearing 10 times and it hits me every time.  Without a question Han Solo is my favorite Star Wars character, he is my hero.  As a kid there was one guy I always wanted to be like, Han Solo, or maybe Harrison Ford, I love Indy too.  But seeing Harrison Ford come back to Star Wars, it is a life long dream, I have always wanted to see this happen.  For so many years, he said he’d never play the character that made him a star again.  This always bothered me, but I am so happy he is back, even if for one film.  Maybe the offered him the on screen death he requested for Return of the Jedi.  So to this, I am excited. Continue reading “Star Wars the Force Awakens and So have I”

Top 50 Glam Metal Songs part 2!

tumblr_mejf5hnSIE1rkizt2o1_1280Hey everyone, if you did not know, I co-founded Nightfall Unlimited, check it out, we are starting the Top 50 Glam Metal songs of all time.  It is a fun list and we started with the honorable mentions, so click here and check it out.  Do me a favor and check us out of facebook and follow Nightfall Unlimited on twitter @NightfallUNLTD, or me @Rayzor_33.

Music Monday: Top 50 Glam Metal Songs (50 – 41)

Sorry this is on Wednesday, but hey…your still looking at this, ha!

So, I’m Published?

Yep, as of Friday January 9th 2015, I have been published ad a comic book writer.  That has always been my dream, to be published as a comic book writer.  Hmmm…Oh yeah of you have not seen it yet, it’s over on my website Nightfall Unlimited.  Check it out it is a clear departure of my comfort zone and to be honest not what I expected my first published work to be.


It is a weekly Web comic called “Rockitt and the Sharkhorse“.  The timeline isn’t really set, although I know it’s after 1986.  But fictional Glam Metal front man Micky Rockitt dies too young in a bizarre stage accident, stay tuned.  After you or anyone dies, the are to guided through the afterlife by their spirit animal and some have spirit animals of legend. Micky is kinda lucky as his spirit animal is rare, a Sharkhorse named Vinny.  The thing is Vinny is late in getting to Micky and now Micky is pretty much a bag of bones.  They will travel the afterlife to find out where Micky’s soul will rest, heaven or hell. Continue reading “So, I’m Published?”

Rayzor the Podcaster?

I have the bug, the podcasting bug.  Nightfall Unlimited has been up for nearly 3 years now and this past summer we started a podcast.  Check it out, it isn’t too bad, here is a link, click, Nightfall Unlimited…the Podcast.  It has been a lot of fun and the website itself, has been growing.  It has been growing in viewership and contributors.  Couple of major contributors are guys like my friend Richie or Intricate Idiot, Artest Jane Bush and my buddy Todd.

We are actually working on gaming month this month and almost time to podcast again.  I just feel like it is time to put it out there that I am podcasting and Nightfall Unlimited is doing well.  We are making a push to get a table at Wizard World St. Louis and maybe recording there, so that could be fun.  We are also possibly expanding and looking for new talent to write for our website.  Check us out and if you are interested, send an email to

Check us out and wish us luck on our next 10 podcasts.  Oh and if you are a twitter follower follow us @NightfallUNLTD and of Facebook, just search Nightfall Unlimited.

MLB Playoffs In Full Swing World Series Predictions

MLB_Postseason_2014Yes, I am a geek, a geek who loves sports.  I grew up watching baseball, collecting baseball cards and hell football also.  These are really the only two sports I follow, in my youth I tried Hockey, NHL and the NBA, but they did not stick, those games are just too similar and not very exciting.  That is my opinion anyway, a lot of people think baseball is boring.  To be fair, to most it is, but me I really get into it, with every pitch you have no idea what is going to happen.  Plus how much more one on one do you get.  When you are batting, it is you vs the pitcher or pitching, you vs the batter.

When I played ball, I tuned myself into the pitcher, I tried to put everything around me away.  The crowd, small as it may have been, the other players, the umps everything.  It was me vs the hitter when I pitched and I swear all I saw was a figure standing at the plate and the catchers gloved.  When I hit it was a different story, I would tense up at the start of the game.  But, hitting and pitching are two different animals.  I need to calm myself and quiet myself when I pitch.  If I was starting, pregame I would listen to music, Steve Miller Band was usually what was in the cassette deck.  But in my head when I hit, it was all Rage Against the Machine, I was ready to go up to the plate prepared for war…Me and the pitcher, it was on! Continue reading “MLB Playoffs In Full Swing World Series Predictions”

Frustration and the Lack of Dealing

I am supremely frustrated and not sure how to deal with this problem.

You see, I have a lot of things going on with my life that make me happy and sometimes when I look back at everything I do, I get confused.  What I mean is professionally, mentally and physically I am drained.  It is awful.  I am not sure how I got to this point or where to go from here, but I have talked to people close to me.  The people I know seem to say the same thing, take a break and do things to decompress.  Well isn’t that just the answer, it really is and probably the write thing to do.  But I ask you, what happens when your form of taking  a break or decompressing is just another thing to frustrate you?  Let me explain.

I work for a big box retailer, the Home Depot, it is physically killing me, my legs, feet and back are never feeling well, I would say it is 14 years in retail and the last 7 working on a concrete floor for 8 hours a day.  I am unhappy with my choice of employment, but I blame myself for many reason I could blame from my youth.  I feel trapped and I was told this would happen.  I wake up every single day and do not want to get out of bed.  I realize many are like this, but this is not what I want to do with my life. Continue reading “Frustration and the Lack of Dealing”